
Tuesday 13 October 2020


I received another dream this morning, there were three people in the dream, George Michael, a friend of his and myself, three of us. George was by our side and his hair was long. The friend had shed a lot of weight, he looked very slim. However, the upshot was that our friend was getting better, he was beating his health condition.  

Prior to this dream George has kept on saying "patience".  Such a great dream to have this morning, keep praying everyone.

In dream interpretation to dream of improved health signifies the same for the dreamer. When there is a reduction in a dream e.g. successfully shedding of weight it indicates an exciting new love. It can also indicate that love is increasing and that can be love of self, e.g. self-nurturing. Love beyond measure is stronger than fear is true. When you have real love in your life there is nothing to fear, divine love is cosmic and never ends, George and his friend prove that by continually appearing and speaking.  This love is cosmic ! 

YOU and I 

The numeric of three relates to divine wisdom and there were three people in the dream. In dream interpretation if you know how many people were in the dream it signifies an increase in personal power. When you dream of a famous person it is telling you to keep trying because you will get help from an unexpected source. In the summer of 2019, George gave the song "don't dream it's over", this dream shows us again to have faith, trust, be patient. 


Remember what Jesus said that where two or three gather in my name, there I shall be.  

Love beyond measure 

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