
Sunday 25 October 2020


It is the Full Moon on the 31st of October and it comes on the "Day of Attentiveness". Hopefully, you will have completed something prior to the end of the month. Have monthly, weekly, and daily priorities, stay focussed and on track. Roland Legrand says that this full moon comes on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. 

Are you organised, what did you get organised in your life during the last month? How great is your attentiveness? Are you paying attention? It was shown to us today that the IMF have been paying countries for lockdowns. 

During this video Roland mentions health due to Chiron, it is really important the people take responsibility for their own health, never take your health for granted. I have days when I feel better than others, I just have to go with the flow and stay has flexible as I can. It is difficult to make plans at this point, although I intend to have some chiropractor treatment next week. I also have to chase up an MRI scan tomorrow for my neck and shoulders due to a spur in my neck. I have a hot bath every morning and then in the evenings I tend to have a sauna/steamer prior to bed. 

Getting earlier nights sleep now and up earlier. In my youth we used to say an hour before midnight is worth two hours after midnight. It is during the night that the body regenerates itself, so sleep is essential for the health of the body. I stay in on full moons, I followed divine instructions. 

No meditation on full moons, no altered state work. Just self-nurture and take good care of yourself, nutrition has been my passion for many years now and I don't think that will cease in the future. The older you get the more attention you have to give to the care of your body and the journey with it. 

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