
Sunday 13 September 2020


Do you have a Vit D deficiency?

It is not only a Vit D deficiency that can cause pain in the lumber region and hips. I felt my hips first go while I was working out in the gym doing yoga in 2002. After that I had a trapped nerve. After that I began getting Sciatica. I then suffered a spinal injury due to an accident to my back, arms and neck in 2009. 

My body compressed and I shrunk in height. However, due to my health regime I was also able to put back the jelly between the vertebrae's, I was also able to regain my height. Although it did take years to improve due to financial constraints. I was blessed to receive a lot of divine instructions on what to eat. 

Stretching the back with inversion therapy and therapeutic massage on a regular basis I found to be crucially important to improving the condition. Of course nutrition specifically for your health condition is also imperative. I began designing recipes especially tailored to combat the root causes. 

I designed some stretching exercises for the muscles that required stretching and in 2020, I also found that sun beds helped tremendously. After that I included sauna/steamer treatments at home with healing oils. 

One of the issues in healing the back it is difficult for a healer to get to it themselves for themselves. The body also likes to receive tender loving care, caressing, and receiving hands on Reiki healing. I have received Reiki healing treatments, reflexology, and acupuncture. I embrace complimentary medicine therapies and recommend specific treatments to people for different health conditions. Also visited a brilliant Chiropractor. 

The older that you get the more hands on tender loving care your body requires. 

However, I do also take Vit D. 

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