
Wednesday 2 September 2020


Mercury is moving into Libra from September 5 - September 27, so that shall be interesting for balanced views, justice and fairness. I have an important meeting the day prior to the shift of signs from Virgo to Libra. Aquarians are far more compatible with Libra energy, and my moon sign is in Gemini too. I have Neptune in Libra in my chart and we are known to do everything possible to satisfy our partners in relationships. Alas, if we don't receive the same support that we give to our loved ones, Neptune in Libra people can be quick to express it.

The 5th of September is the "Day of Idealist", so perhaps it is time to discuss your ideal situation, your ideal home, your ideal country. For those of us born in England, we patriots would like England to be great again and we don't approve of patients having to wait until 2022 to see a medical consultant.

If Boris Johnson can have immediate help from the NHS, every other person born in our country should be able to enjoy the same high standard has he received. We can't have one rule for Boris and a different rule for everyone else.

By the way, there is no pandemic.

Jesus is HOT for this song tonight. The spy who loved me. He's giving me a shower of love after I wrote there is always at least one person spying on me, they seem to follow me everywhere I go.

Send in agent triple 8 that is the numeric given to Jesus by some people. Perhaps that is why he likes that clip. 8 is also the numeric of spiritual transformation. I'd certainly like my location to change and make a move to somewhere spiritual. Time for divine intervention in my life and all the support that I require for the next phase of the divine mission. He knows what I require to complete my mission on the planet, so let us see what is presented to yours truly.

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