
Friday 18 September 2020


During the night my little finger began hurting, swollen and red, inflamed. In Palmistry, the little finger is the Mercury finger and we are currently in the Mercury in Libra transit. Then this morning a Libra neighbour came to show me his finger that has swollen during the night for the first time, although his was a different finger. My Neptune is in Libra and my Mercury is in Pisces. 

The little finger can also represent wisdom in Vedic palmistry. I have what is known as an even little finger, it is low set on the mount and it is pointed. All types of finger shapes and sizes have meanings in palmistry. 

It is Jewish New Year today with a New Moon in Virgo, a Super Moon. It is Rosh Hashanah. Jewish people have apples and honey this Jewish holiday. I bought a New York Cheesecake for the holiday, I also made some Chicken Liver Pate with fresh thyme and brandy. Today, I plan to make some humous with green olives. I also like chopped herring and have had some egg mayo this week. When I lived in London we would go to Blooms for chopped herring, chopped liver, new greens. 

Remember this my friend, "laughter is the shortest distance between two people", the message that I received this New Moon, "You will advance with your abilities". The recent dream also showed the window is an important aspect of this Jewish New Year of 5781, windows of the soul, windows of opportunity are shown to us in the middle of difficulties. New windows in November are being installed. 🙏

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