
Tuesday 1 September 2020


I hope that all of our readers are enjoying the fullness of the Moon in Pisces has the energies impact upon your life. My mother was a Pisces and she's been connecting in recent days, she keeps on reminding me that I am an overcomer.

She's happy with the makeovers at home, home life was so important to her and she was very creative with her nimble fingers. Home was her sanctuary that she made beautiful and long lasting for her family. Mum is happy that I am sleeping in the room that she slept in when she was staying at mine, she is drawing close during this difficult time.

I bought a couple of hats today and a dressing table from the children's charity. I also bought another lantern, I've been compelled to collect lanterns. Spending with charities is absolutely appropriate during ELUL.

A lady asked are you going to a wedding? I replied, I think so. My mum loved a wedding and I dreamt about weddings earlier in the year.

"Full Moon in Pisces, A September to Remember 2020" David says.

I've called this full moon the "No-Nonsense Full Moon" due to the numeric of it.

So what are the biorhythm's doing today the 2nd of September, my physical being is minus 73%. When your biorhythm's are as low as that it is best not to exert yourself physically. Lots of tender loving care and self-nurturing is required. So great that I have a therapeutic massage booked for tomorrow.

Although my aesthetics are up 95%, so a good full moon to paint and be creative for yours truly.

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