
Monday 24 August 2020


Blowing the shofar welcoming in ELUL in preparation for Jewish New Year.

At the end of this video he shows us that he doesn't know much about the heavens. Interesting that I was compelled to buy two stringed instruments this ELUL for a friend and I. Putting our hands on the strings. The LORD works in mysterious ways sometimes and shows us what he likes when we are divinely led to carry out his divine will. 

So am I to play a different instrument every day at this time? I have enough different instruments to alternate them and make different sounds and tones. I really like sound healing, I find it fascinating how you can feel the different instrument sounds resonate with different systems in the body. 

The return to sound healing, the return to healing at this time in preparation for the New Jewish Year ahead. Second evening in the sauna/steamer too, my body likes the heat treatment very much.


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