
Saturday 1 August 2020


While praying on Thursday evening in bed prior to sleep I heard "CHURCHYARD" clairaudiently.

Then the next morning I received a local magazine and in it was a story about a former reverend at a specific local historic church. I do know an elderly couple that live in that parish and go to that church sometimes. Her husband likes that church and his wife likes a different one. They're both singers and sing in a church choir.

Historically, the Churchyard is Church land that was used for burials for people in the parish.

However, in Judaism it is the festival of Tisha B'Av. The mourning of the destruction of the temple prior to it being rebuilt.

UPDATE 2nd of August, 2020.

This afternoon I took some guests sightseeing to an historic Suffolk village, the oldest complete village in the UK. Some of the buildings are 14th century. While we were there we visited the church grounds and the ancient church yard.

I was shown that I would receive a message on Sunday and I did whilst walking through the historic village.

"You love the countryside, you could never leave it". 

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