
Friday 14 August 2020


This is an excellent presentation from David Palmer, (born with his sun in Leo) one of his best since I've began listening to his view of the planetary configurations. Mars Retrograde in Aries, Uranus Retrograde, New Moon in Leo.

At 34 mins in David begins talking about the Liberal Democrat convention in America in the lead up to the American Presidential election.

Venus also moved into Cancer on the 7th of August and I've noticed that is certainly impacting upon Libra's in a positive way.

In America the 18th of August is the "Day of Endurance". Some of my generation born in the Pluto in Leo generation went beyond endurance years ago, I certainly did. That was certainly an initiation to remember.

In the UK the New Moon is on the 19th of August and it will be in my 8th house. The 19th of August is the "Day of Surprise". 

My chart indicates being beyond the superficial and my interests include spiritual psychology, the supernatural and intensely personal situations in my environment and those that I am close too. I still have the Spiritual Psychology exhibition graphics that were made for the launch at an exhibition at London Excel in January 2006.

It brings forth a new arrangement concerning finances that is beneficial and I keep on being shown an offer of help that is coming. From the 28th of August my personal chart shows that my life will become less personal, more open and philosophical again.

If and when others impact upon my personal life detrimentally, I tend to become more introspective, the reclusive mystic and subdued. All part of the introvert-extrovert personality of this Aquarian born in the Pluto in Leo generation. Unlike most Leo's sun signs I don't like emotional drama or the drama's of others lives impacting upon mine adversely for any reason at all. Although I tend to stay calm and peaceful when big situations happen.

A lot of people's lives are in chaos due to the economic situation and lockdown. If you are living your truth, know this that true love will find a way forward and the path that is right for you and your life.

Just allow Spirit to guide your individual prosperity that is uniquely meant for you. When you allow divine guidance into your life, when you allow Spirit to point you in the right direction for you, you are shown the silver lining in any dark cloud.

That is certainly my life experience of working through the previous serious recession in the 80s/90s. I was divinely led through it to the other side of it.

In fact, I don't think the economy in the UK fully recovered from it since then. Some people made it through to the other side and some didn't. Due to the immense immigration and influx of increased population, wages stayed static whilst living costs have soared since that time. Some changed careers and work life in perfect timing when it was appropriate. Spirit was calling the next wave of people to join the spiritual community. Some people will make the transition into a better life for themselves and their families and some won't.

The lockdown has certainly divided humanity, those that wear masks and those that won't. Those that know the truth and those that don't. Those that only believe the Covid political narrative and those that don't. With Mars retrograde there is bound to be spikes and that is certainly how it looks at this time. However, don't allow spikes to determine your reality or define you as an individual, don't allow spikes to dominate your life, actions and thoughts.

Other people's issues are theirs to resolve, don't allow others to project it on to you. The same goes for taking on the issues of a different country. Everyone has the opportunity to heal, the divine always have the door open for healing when people are sincere about their desire to make a breakthrough and quantum leap in reality. Remember this precious child that regained his sight, it was a beautiful surprise.

Focus on pure intention and give it your full attention this new moon, begin your self-determination if you haven't already and keep the love deeply in your heart and soul my love. Begin has you intend to continue in the power of love beyond measure. With moral strength and the truth you are incorruptible, live in integrity of the heart and miracles are possible although some take a little time to manifest. Extending life is possible we have shown it to be true time and time again.

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