
Friday 24 July 2020

Venus Square Neptune Mercury Square Mars

This guy is moving back to Minnesota with his spiritual herbalist wife. This video is on Venus square Neptune and Mercury Square Mars. So that's interesting as late last night while painting I received the message "Minnesota, Atmospheric".

Although he embraces the Indian eastern view of "Ego". Whereas I embrace the western view of "Ego". Bear in mind that in Greek and Latin the word "Ego" is translated as I in the bible. 

I view the "I" as standing upright in integrity, like a straight column. So for instance my dad was big on having your back straight, shoulders back, standing as a straight column as in a pillar of light with your head up. 

What I will say is that you can be friendly to neighbours, but that doesn't mean that your neighbours will be friendly in return. Just like you can smile at a person and it is their choice whether to smile in response. It is the same with healing, you can offer a person healing but it is up to the person whether they choose to embrace it and accept it. Hence the prayer in my life has been the following:

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. 

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