
Friday 3 July 2020


In my chart this forthcoming full moon Lunar Eclipse comes in my first house and that is the "House of Life", it is also the "House of Self" and how you manifest yourself within yourself and how my home is a manifestation of this timeline.

On the 1st of July, I received news that I am to receive a tax rebate so that is a great manifestation of the self when Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. Being repaid what is owed to myself is an aspect of this with Venus in Gemini too.

The other manifestation of self and house of life is buying specific items from charity shops to enhance the energy of my home in this timeline. So for instance buying some mirrors to reflect the light to ensure that my living art space receives enough light for my living plants.

Buying planters for my new plants that are growing beautiful plants. Lovely plants deserve lovely planters to decorate your home and one can buy them economically from charity and thrift shops.

In the 90s I discovered that if you love your home, your home loves you right back. If you love your body, nurture it and are tender to your body, your body loves you right back and is tender to you too.

Although body intuition is also very important.

This Lunar Eclipse coming on the 4/5th of July 2020 is interesting as it comes on American Independence Day and in the UK pubs and restaurants are opening up again on this lunar eclipse. A lot of people celebrating today.

England is ruled by Capricorn and Capricorn likes stability, structure and steady growth. Capricorn likes being organised, especially financially. Patrick Arundell says it is going to be a challenging year for America. I think everyone has been challenged by the lockdown, especially those that are not used to being restrained, restricted, limited or disciplined.

Self-discipline is a big one for Americans although I think Trumps self-discipline has been amazing. A man of maturity that knows how to manage the American culture that is very different to ours in the UK. Trump should be applauded for his patience, patience of a saint he's got.

Capricorn can be frugal e.g. the saying "Save the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves". My gran Sophia was a Capricorn and one of her motto's was "Waste not, want not". She was certainly prudent during her life, she was also a saver.

Thatcher saying "Buy British", is also very Capricorn because Capricorn likes self-preservation and strength. Remember goats are very strong animals and they tend to climb up the mountains sideways rather than walking up directly. Goats tend to jump over any restrictions or obstacles that they find in their way, although sometimes they have to be rescued from themselves.

I view Saturn as the teacher, the planet of discipline and it only limits, restricts or restrains if a person, community, country or culture still have something to learn and that can often be shown in your birth chart due to the agreements that you made pre-destination.

There are always new things to learn although the more that you have developed the self the less there is that you have to integrate within yourselves that is beneficial for you.

Sometimes it means returning to who you were meant and born to be, to show you again, what your success as a person has brought you and your life in your culture.

Especially if this eclipse is in your first house, it can be a reminder of your strengths and how you overcame any weaknesses in your character, personality, community or culture. I can only talk about this intuitively based upon my own life experience of it and remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So for instance I see the beauty of my milky rock quartz crystal that became my Reiki Masters crystal. It sits comfortably in my hand and holds great memories of the power of love that was experienced during my years of teaching. Someone else could pick it up and it wouldn't mean anything to them.

Loving memories are so important to a health of a person and sometimes the planets are showing you that, especially when Venus is in Gemini, has the love was and is communicated.

Love beyond measure

This year of 2020 in Feng Shui, wearing white is also important for us horses and it is a year for trotting for us. It is no coincidence that in June this year my lounge and hallway has been decorated white. This is where I paint and eat in my home life. In the background you will see my art chest where I keep my art materials with a mirror above it.

In front of the art chest is the dining table where I paint.  In this pic it shows that the miniature cherry tree has been rescued, a success. When I found this little tree a few weeks ago, it was dying. With tender loving care the tree lives again, it is covered in new green leaves and I'm so pleased with it.

The tree lives in the home of my life. 

This Lunar Eclipse on the 4th is on the day of "The Group", and on the 5th it is on the "Day of Showman". The lockdown is over UK, pubs and restaurants are opening again.

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