
Friday 12 June 2020


I always enjoy Solar Eclipses and this Solar Eclipse is on the 21st of June, 2020 in the sign of Cancer.

Robert Currey from Equinox in the UK wrote that it will come in my 7th house. The 7th house is all about relationships and their purpose, ruled by Libra and planet Venus. A reason for being in the lives of people that you are connected with.

He says "this is the time of year when you can see yourself through the eyes of others. There is simply no way you can act without taking account of your partner's position, condition or point of view. You may even feel dominated by or constantly at the beck and call of another. 

This person may be doing what you would not dare do or simply cannot do, but you won't be able to help admiring their integrity, courage or creativity. Provided they're doing no harm, promote them - don't knock them! 

The Solar Eclipse on 21st June brings demands for commitment, contracts and joint participation. 

You can't stand on the sidelines and simply watch. This is an appropriate time to seek advice. You will be treated with respect by professionals like your doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc. Your considerate demeanour enables you, too, to act as a counsellor and give positive advice or a lead to a partner or friends who need your counsel". 

This advocate will be having some important discussions next week with decision makers. I am already aware of the discussions that have already been requested.

That does link in with what Jesus said to yours truly "Your counsel is warranted". 

The numeric of 7 is also the life number of the Spiritual Teacher, I have lived at a number 7, and the property that I live in now compounds to 7. I also have 7 as my life number and so did Jesus.

The 21st of June is the "Day of Rapture" powerful for a Solar Eclipse, also powerful for an epiphany. A great day for spiritual ceremony and celebration and it is also the weekend of the Summer Solstice.



A Saros 137 and the last time we had one of those eclipses was in June, 2002. 2002 was a great year for yours truly. What were you doing in 2002?

Helping young families with Spiritual Psychology, teaching Reiki and providing Ascension workshops, travelling in Europe for work and pleasure.

It was a great year for making new connections and networking. We launched the Reiki with Quan Yin healing meditations on CD that year. 2002 was very productive. I was also receiving instructions from Archangel Michael at that time involving communications and nutrition.

137, so let us take a look at the gematria for that numeric that compounds to the numeric of two that is also about relationships. Kabbalah = "Receiving". A relationship with the divine, a divine purpose a reason for being.

The Hebrew word Kabbalah has the gematria of 137, 137 is a prime number and is considered to be a pure number. Yesterday when we were putting my library books back on the shelves after decorating, I came across a little book the "Kabbalah of Food". I'm certainly ready to enjoy this solar eclipse.

Remember that your bodies believe every word you think and say, I say miracles happen everyday and everyday is a miracle. A receiving solar eclipse.

It is on the 21st day and 21 compounds to 3, the numeric of wisdom. 

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