
Sunday 7 June 2020


The US BLM supported by the Obamas and George Soros brought chaos to my country.

When was it OK to infiltrate another country to benefit the American Liberal Democrat political agenda? When was it OK to smile at a seriously injured woman? See the eighth picture on this news link.

When was it OK to riot and throw bikes and missiles at horses ? Horses matter too!

When you have open borders, when you have mass immigration, when you have universities full of foreign nationals what did you expect would happen UK?

Did you honestly think that foreign political activists wouldn't take advantage of our open borders?

Our country has been infiltrated with foreign nationals and it is causing chaos while our business community are still in lockdown.

People that riot and/or encourage rioting are not welcome in my country, deport them back to whence they came from. BLM are "vigilantes" supported by the Obama "renegade" community organiser.

I am completely against "Police Brutality". However, the facts of the matter are that more white people are killed by police officers in America than black people, don't buy the BLM political narrative and "Antifa" is a "terrorist" organisation.

If you don't like the culture of our country then go back home to your own culture and stop trying to  change ours.

Feedback from Tucker Carlson, "The riot is funded by numerous corporations". He shared on his TV show that millions of $ have poured into BLM.

It is not surprising is it that BLM activists have vandalised Winston Churchill's historic monument in Whitehall on D-Day weekend. As it was Obama that removed Winston's bust from the Oval office. BLM activists followed their leader when they vandalised the statue in London.

British comedian, Jim Davidson said "We didn't fight in Normandy so that the younger generation can piss up the Cenotaph".

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