
Sunday 21 June 2020


I was attracted to the energy of this video on the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer due to the graphic on the front page and the guy has a gentle sensitive voice that is ideal for the Cancer energy.

I've been fortunate and blessed that my home has been renovated in time for this New Moon and Solar Eclipse, it has importance for new life and new beginnings that have already begun for yours truly. This interior designer, Rita Konig, sounds just like Lady Diana. 

It has been a dramatic change of home life, a complete UP LIFT - MENT to be in this timeline especially. In the lead up to the eclipse the heavenly Father has spoken in Hebrew, "EVA" = LIFE. 

I had a friend with that name, she was a Reiki Master Teacher and also taught Feng Shui. a lovely girl that didn't live far from me. She left her English husband and returned to her own country. 


It coincides with the visions, dreams and messages that I have been receiving during June. In one of the most recent dreams I saw this top, the Pink dream. 

Yesterday, the message that I received "He keeps on asking for Kim". 

My thoughts are with a friend in London at this time, I look forward to a meet-up when he feels ready for it and the healing potential. 


Stay fluid during the solar eclipse time, going with the flow, if you feel tearful, let it flow, release any tension in the body. Remember it takes a strong man to cry real tears and it is healthy for the body to cry sometimes. 


With this Solar Eclipse it was bound to bring tears with it, some are tears of joy and some are tears of sadness. Everyone is unique and is having their own unique experience of living life. 

In the UK some restrictions are being lifted, although I heard yesterday that a million jobs have gone in the leisure industry. Hence, these are very tough times financially for many people. 

It is a 137 Solar Eclipse so it is a very powerful eclipse on this Summer Solstice. The last time we had a 137 was in 2002, my days of teaching Reiki and Ascension.  On Monday, I will be seeing one of our Reiki practitioner's at her 60th birthday party. 

More information on this Solar Eclipse and 137 that compounds to 2. 

In recent days I've been driving a neighbour around to purchase more baby clothes for his son. He's all organised now and ready for a very busy week next week. His life is changing quickly and he is keeping pace with it. 

Self-nurture and remember to take your supplements, keep stretching yourselves always. 

Remembering that right action includes right nutrition. 

Love beyond measure 


Late afternoon while sitting in the sunshine, I saw some huge, amazing antlers flying towards me like an aeroplane. The Stags Head always reminds me of the Scottish, although a friend in a different location has some Scottish heritage. 

The Stag is a solar symbol, a symbol of renewal, creation and is often associated with the tree of life. 

It is also symbolic of victory of the Spirit over matter. The stag has been viewed as a messenger of the gods, heavenly and celestial powers. An attribute of Diana found with Father Time and Father Christmas. 

In some Christian art the stag is symbolic of Christ, probably because Moses asked for the horns to be given to a descendant of Joseph. The antlers to protect and defend our people. It is no coincidence that the antlers came flying in my direction from a southern direction, it was like seeing a plane in the sky. The antlers are flying on this solar eclipse. 

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