
Saturday 6 June 2020


On the 2nd of June, 2020 I was shown two cards when I opened my eyes. The Queen of Pentacles looking at the death card.

Pentacle court cards represent the earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and Queen Elizabeth was born Taurus the bull.

This video of Buckingham Palace was uploaded a few days ago, the seal on the gate has been removed and it looks like the windows are bordered up. It looks like Buck House is getting ready for a funeral. The RAF are guarding the palace, not gurkas.  This video uploaded at the end of May, says this is the first time this has ever happened.

Is that true? I found a news report from November 2019,  that says a lorry driver drove into it whilst making deliveries.

Report on Saturday that ten police officers have been harmed during the BLM riot in London. Someone hurled a bike at a police horse and its female rider is now hospitalised. Of course the horse bolted down Whitehall.

There are a lot of immigrants in the UK, a lot of foreign nationals and some of the leaders of BLM weren't born in England. All of the people in London should've been arrested due to the lockdown, we can't re-open businesses but people can riot in London, when is enough, enough?

Arrest those that riot, take their mobile phones, make them pay the fine, then if any of them are immigrants or foreign nationals, deport them. Rioters are not welcome in our country.

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