
Thursday 4 June 2020


Due to the lockdown my lower back was giving me gip again when I woke up in the morning. It happened two days on the trot and it is nearly four months since I've been able to receive a deep tissue therapeutic back massage.

The lockdown hasn't been great for my physical body and I'm still waiting to see a consultant about my neck. Due to the x-ray department asking for further imagining in 2019, an MRI is required of my neck.

So what did I do?


Some inversion therapy to stretch my back, and I started taking Glucosamine Sulphate again. Within 24 hours of taking 500mg of Glucosamine Sulphate the pain in the lower back was gone and that has happened three days on the trot. It really is remarkable the difference that Glucosamine Sulphate makes to your body at my age.

Glucosamine Sulphate helps the body to produce macromolecules like glycosaminoglycans, glycolipids, and glycoproteins which help the body to produce cartilage, ligaments, tendons, muscles and synovial fluids the main components of your joints. The more support that you can give to your body to help it to function properly, the less pain you experience.

The last time I made a blogpost on Glucosamine Sulphate was on the 29th of April, 2020. This link  provides information on recommended dosage too.

Glucosamine Sulphate is found naturally in the fluid around the joints. Although has people age, the amount we produce naturally in our bodies decreases. Interesting that it can be found in the shells of shellfish and the glucosamine sulphate is extracted from shell fish. It is also found in animal bones, bone marrow and fungi.

Hence cooking chicken bones releases the collagen and glucosamine sulphate essential for healthy joints. I do like a chicken broth, my mum also used to cook up a ham bone and use the broth for soup.

British Supplements provide a gluten-free vegetarian alternative supplement of Glucosamine Sulphate for anyone that is interested.

What else did I take for pain relief?

I took another supplement from British Supplements, BOSWELLIA, edible Frankincense.

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