
Sunday 10 May 2020


While in divine communion it was said there will be a transition, there will be a handover of his company. He also said there will be a transmission that is for my eyes only, I was divinely instructed that when I receive the transmission I must keep it close to my heart.

My physical biorhythm's are at -73% today, so it is best that I rest as much as I can until they rise again. When your biorhythm's are at that low ebb it can feel like you are being pulled down from your usual joyous and strong energy flow. When that happens it is really important to nurture the self and do whatever you can to be in your own peacefulness and spiritual practice. Although there is no reason why you can't continue to pray and send healing to those that deserve it the most. 

When we Reiki healers send healing, we also receive healing, so it is a win, win!. 

Be gentle with yourselves, be tender to your bodies and go with the flow of the energies, don't fight the naturalness of the body, just do your utmost to support your bodies dynamic self-healing system so that it can defend your bodies the best that it can. Keep in the best thoughts that you can in these days, I know that you can if you really put the effort in and try. 

Of course supplementation is essential at my age and phase of life. I do have my own strategic protocol to help support the natural functionality of my mind, body and soul. In the last two days I've also been boosting with foods nutritionally as divinely instructed. 

I enjoy designing new recipes too, a time of pottering in doors and creating what one can, when I feel like it or am compelled too. 

Intellectually, my biorhythm's are up 69%, so still sharp as far as information is concerned. If you would like to look at your biorhythm's then I recommend the luck chart website. 

So what's happening planetary wise? Tomorrow Saturn goes retrograde in my sun sign of Aquarius and Mercury enters Gemini. When Saturn goes retrograde it can encourage you to revisit past situations and even past lives. 

Restrictions on our people are certainly being lifted at this time, as the police have said that they can't police it this weekend. The keyword of Aquarius is freedom. Scientists are also speaking up about the government restrictions. Many are rising to the challenge of their opponents. that have purposefully been involved in destroying our western civilisation and its homeland economies. Enough really is enough!

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