
Wednesday 27 May 2020


The message that I received is "QUINCUNX", historically the word has been used in the arrangement of trees in an orchard. An arrangement of five trees.

Hence the numeric of five being significant as we are still in the 5th month of May and today in the garden I was re-arranging bushes when the young Robin Redbreast came to visit to and fro, to and fro numerous times. He came so close to my hand I could've fed him if he had been brave enough.

Robin defends his territory, encourages us to embrace new life, to go forward, spread our wings and sing our own song.

The English physician Sir Thomas Browne wrote a philosophical discourse titled "The Garden of Cyrus", (1658) elaborating on how the quincunx geometric pattern can be found in art and nature, mystically as evidence of "the wisdom of God".

The message does link into what is happening planetary wise and Robert Wilkinson has provided us with an update for this current planetary time and the quincunx. In fact, there is more than one quincunx in quick succession.

Interesting that he also mentions a T square in Virgo, having a sense of humour with thinking in the future, as my visitor on Sunday is a Virgo. We did review and we did touch on where we are going with our lives.

When two healers get together we always find something to laugh about and laughter is great medicine in this timeline when everything feels so serious.

If and when you feel overladen with seriousness, it is essential that you lighten your load. When the planetary energies are intense, if and when they are conflicting as the planets are at this time, it is really important that you take some time for yourself and only be with those that resonate with your state of being.

Just because some people have conflicts in their lives, doesn't mean that there has to be conflicts in your life. Just allow those that are in conflict with themselves to get on with it themselves.

You move forward with what you know to be true in your heart. If you have invested in your spiritual and self-development then you know exactly what I am referring too.

Be in your spiritual practices, stay in your peace, contented like the little bird that comes to and fro, to and fro to visit yours truly. He was such a chatty little bird, chit, chat, chit chat. I couldn't keep a bird in a cage, the bird was born to be free.

I agree with Arabella Lennox-Boyd "You can't control nature". This is a beautiful English garden at Gresgarth Hall, a Gothic fourteenth-century house in Lancashire with a lovely gardener looking after it. She describes herself as a sun dial surrounded by water, how lovely she is.

You can embrace nature and live in harmony with its frequencies. She says, you are never too old to plant a tree. I took some photo's of my garden yesterday. 

Did you make the best moves in your life? Did you make your life easier and lighter if and when the planetary energies were getting heavier? How did you choose to improve your life and environment? 

Did you choose low maintenance or high maintenance? Did you choose to carry heavy burdens or release those burdens? At what point did you make that choice and was it in divine timing? 

Are you prospering and flourishing in your life due to receiving the best that life has to offer you? 

How did the Holy Spirit guide you with divine counsel that is warranted? How prepared were you for a pandemic in advance? Do you remember the Millennium Prophecies delivered in the mid 90s?

People had plenty of time to prepare for this timeline. 


As Jesus said to yours truly "Your counsel is warranted". I see a tree in that painting, a tree that is full of Christ energy in the Reiki energy. A new strategic health protocol, new life has begun and the tree is fully grown.

In my life this month it is the 25th anniversary since I stepped on the healing path of Reiki and it is the 20th anniversary of when I trained in Reiki Mastership.

Although as I have written previously, Reiki Mastership is the real beginning with the Reiki journey, everything prior to that is preparation for it and becoming a teacher of it.

It requires a lot of spiritual experience prior to becoming a spiritual teacher, due to the sheer amount of questions that you are asked.

People experience a vast amount of spiritual experiences when they experience the love energy of Reiki, and some are certainly miraculous. It was certainly one of the very best choices that I ever made during my life, it was certainly meant to be.

Choose the best way to live for you and your heart, your body, your soul and your Spirit and the very best is brought to you in return. Choose with pure intention and give it your attention.

Jesus chose the best for his purpose in integrity, it didn't matter to Jesus whether they were rich or poor, what mattered was that we came with sincere hearts in our embracing of him. As he said to Peter? Do you love me Peter? Two Peters were in my life when I was sent to deliver the Millennium Prophecies in the mid 90s.The elder and the younger.

He said, "You are on the firm", the firm ground is solid, reliable. It is strongly felt, resolute and determined. Life is affirmed, the choices that we were led to make for the best are affirmed.

Horses like firm ground to stand on and as I shared with a Libra horse, this year, just a gentle trot, maybe a canter but no galloping this year. When you embrace the energies of the year and flow with it in harmony, then a successful life is easy. Of course, different people view success in different ways.

Firm ground is often in the summer time for horses, I certainly had a great summer in 2019, on firm ground with the children in the garden. It gave the children some stability in their lives, they always knew that my door was open for their arrival. They knew that we enjoyed ourselves, every day was something new in the abundance of love beyond measure.

We danced together, made cakes and music together, we sunbathed and got in the pool together, we were gardeners together, painted and healed together, we shopped together too. Lovely memories that we share, always in my heart.


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