
Tuesday 12 May 2020


A male astrologer and his wife is a herbalist, they share together on the mind-body connection.

What are you cooking this week? Yesterday I cooked braised beef cooked in bisto with red wine and worcester sauce. The braised beef was cooked with carrots and shallots, garlic, fresh sage, thyme, rosemary and bay leaf. 

Served with buttered potato mash and leeks cooked in butter with garlic and lemongrass, prior to including the kale. It really was a handsome meal full of nutrition. 

Today, I am cooking a Broccoli and Stilton soup. My soup today includes a little ginger, garlic, shallot, red onion, basil, coconut oil, healthy oil that includes palm oil, coconut, and coconut milk with stilton cheese. 

I like to cook with herbs everyday, I've always enjoyed cooking with herbs. I like so many of the herbs I can't say which one is my favourite herb, as I like all of the herbs that I grow. 

Different herbs for different reasons and nutrition. In my experience herbs work on the physical realities the best, whereas flower essences work on the emotional and mental body. Although the mental and emotional body can impact upon the physical body. 

How many herbs are you growing in your garden? Have you created a herb garden for medicinal purposes to aid your health? Or just for cooking? It is great when you choose to combine the two. 

I do like to grow that which is edible. I prefer to invest in and grow what is edible in preference to that which is not. I also like to invest in perennials. 

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