
Thursday 7 May 2020


Jeremy Corbyn likes that slogan, "Health Before Wealth". Anyone that goes to work in the NHS should be healthy mentally, emotionally and physically, they have to be physically fit.

All of the people that are being impacted by Covid 19 are not healthy. Even if they are not registered for a health condition, 11 million people die of nutritional deficiencies every year. You don't see Jeremy Corbyn and overweight Diane Abbot jumping up and down about that.

Perhaps Jeremy should have studied nutrition instead of thinking he can educate the British people that did put their health first. There is a lot of unhealthy people working in the NHS, how do they think that they can tell patients what to do in a clinical environment when they aren't physically fit themselves? Many of them were unhealthy when they took the jobs with the NHS and its sub-contractors.

I was appalled when I was sent to A&E, the GP working for the sub-contractor had a receptionist sitting on the receptionist desk eating crisps and then they wonder why so many of them are dying of Covid 19 in that community.

Unhealthy eating patterns and habits in the medical profession. Just go and look at their canteens, cafes and restaurants in the hospitals, unhealthy food. They can't even serve up decent nutritional food for the patients, not even for mothers in the maternity wards. And the Labour Party didn't do any better than the Tories when they were in power.

Plus in the Indian and Pakistani community, it is all about caste, only those of a certain caste and families go on to become doctors. Training a doctor is very expensive, as such, it is children of the richest families that get to become doctors in those communities.

What's interesting is that Newham and Birmingham have seen very high rates of cases of Covid 19, and both of those areas have a high Muslim population. How many times have we seen overweight ethnic Muslims? They certainly don't look like they've missed a meal, so it is certainly not poverty as far as that community is concerned. A person that is really poor is underweight not overweight.

Now as far as the slogan is concerned, "Health before wealth".  Some people go into the medical profession to become wealthy. In Asian communities it is viewed as a rich person's profession. I remember when an Indian doctor said to me, "If I'd realised that stock brokers earned more than doctors I would have become a stock broker instead".

So let us make sure that people that go into any caring profession go into the profession for the right reasons with pure and healthy intention. As far as the term BAME is concerned, that was concocted by the Labour Party, originally it was for Black Socialists, but now they have widened the net to include minorities and any ethnicity. It is a form of division from the Labour Party to separate those medics from white medics.

Now while we are on the subject of the lefties, if you dig deep enough you will find that Neil Ferguson's married girlfriend is a lefty working for north American NGO, AVAAZ. She has been photographed wearing one of their tee-shirts.

While Neil Ferguson was telling our country to lockdown he was meeting up with his lefty girlfriend that is "anti-American" like Jeremy Corbyn. Not only that but she also campaigned against BREXIT, and is a supporter of the Soros backed Greta who was found to have a car full of plastics.

Neil Ferguson is being called the "Lockdown Professor" by the media in the UK and he certainly didn't put health before wealth. He works for WHO who works for China, and the EU at the same time as he was on the SAGE team with Boris Johnson. It was Neil Ferguson that panicked Boris into locking down our country that is proven to be unhealthy for our nation.

Sweden didn't lockdown, and medics are now saying that we shouldn't have lockdown either. The fact is that governments didn't have enough information to make appropriate decisions in an emergency, although Sweden managed to do so.

In the UK, British scientists found three different strains of it that they termed A,B and C, and they said that Wuhan only had B. They also said that the strains came into our country via Italy and Spain. Although the UK has it's own strain of it too they said. 

President Trump is saying we can't lock our country down for five years, that certainly applies to the UK too. Life has to go on, we can't make everyone suffer due to those that didn't look after themselves nutritionally.

We have private hospitals sitting empty with top medics twiddling their thumbs in the UK. All because one man scared the living daylights out of Boris Johnson by saying that there would be 500,000 deaths due to Covid 19.

I'm aware that the Communist Party of China have tried to kill our people because I had a dream of it on the 3rd of September, 2019. In the dream it was President Trump that came roaring out of the turbine to help us. So put that in your pipe and smoke it Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Rodney Starmer.

We also know from British scientists that it began between the 7th September - 13th December, before Christmas and millions of people were allowed to leave China. Business Insider wrote that 5 million had fled China prior to the lockdown, although I think the number is probably much higher than that due to the specific dates that the British scientists have given.

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