
Wednesday 20 May 2020


20th of May, 2020, the Sun moved into Gemini, and President Trump is a GEM IN I. Gemini the communicator. I'm an Aquarian sun sign and have Gemini in two houses plus two planets are in Gemini too.


So a lot of Gemini in my chart, the sun will be in Gemini until the 20th June, 2020.  I had a lovely day in the garden on the 19th in the sunshine, repotting tomato and red capsicum, plus putting in new seeds. A little sunbathing and beautiful relaxing day in the sun, increasing my Vit D.

A plane had created a tree shape in the sky today and it reminded me of the recent painting that includes a Frankincense tree. We are certainly seeing and hearing more planes overhead now, including light aircraft.


Today, this health consultant was asked for recommendations for "stomach cramps" and we also discussed what is a powerful healer for asthma. With someone else the discussion was about a legal case that is on-going.

Then this evening, it was painting time, and wardrobe clearing time. House clearing is always a great thing to do. It certainly feels like a big shift for yours truly and I am so into white paint at this time.

On the 22nd of May, this week there is a new moon in Gemini, it's all happening for Gemini's this week. I hope that all of the readers of this blog are having a great week and doing your utmost to eat as healthy as you can and supplement where necessary. I do find that I have extra energy when I supplement with what my body requires for my age, and that always makes us feel better about ourselves when we feel more healthy.


President Trump is a Gemini, so lot's of news from him. He was also born in the year of the dog.

There is lot's of orange in last night's painting and orange reminds me of the recent Princess Diana dream when I had a bowl of butternut squash. Butternut squash soup is lovely, with blueberries and Cornish ice cream for afters. So I shall call this painting BUTTERNUT SQUASH. When you cook, put your love in to it, remember that your loving thoughts impact upon what you cook and what you eat.

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