
Tuesday 14 April 2020


On the 7th of April I had a dream of some former spiritual colleagues and the Vegans were highlighted in the dream.

After the dream Dr Jane Goodall's videos came upon my recommended list on youtube.

The first video that I posted she was talking about Covid 19. Jane was using Covid 19 as a platform for promoting the banning of hunting of wild animals and that has huge consequences for countries whose people legally hunt wild animals for food.

Then today, there was an article in the Daily Mail of how Dr Jane Goodall is close friends with Harry and Meghan. Meghan stopped her husband from hunting, stopped her husband from eating meat, and the monarchy have always gone shooting on their private estates. Harry even used to go hunting in Africa. Hunting, shooting and fishing has always been cultural in the UK and America.

Vegans say that they don't eat anything with a face. We don't mind if adults choose to be vegan, but don't push your life choices on to your children or us. Vegans have been legally prosecuted due to some of their children dying due to a vegan diet.

In America, some people live off the land, as people in the UK used to do fully. A former friend taught all of his sons to shoot and fish, he taught all of his sons how to survive on the land. Just in case, there were ever any food shortages.

Remember this, Jesus ate meat and so do I, as it is good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for yours truly.  In fact, my health improved when I included more red meat into my menus.

Also I've noticed that it is only when vegans get sick do they then have to review what they eat and what their bodies require for the best nutrition. It would be interesting to see if there are any stats on the amount of vegetarians that were impacted upon by the "bio-weapon".

Hemoglobin requires Iron, and I boost my iron with lambs liver and chicken livers. Although I also cook with Virgin coconut oil sometimes too and that has iron in it, so does Palm Oil.

In my youth I also used to take an iron supplement due to my monthly cycle. My mother recommended it, she certainly fed us well too.

My last point is this; the first Chinese scientist that did the genome sequencing work on the Wuhan virus found that there was "horseshoe bat" in it. That came from over a 1,000 miles away from Wuhan, it is a "bio-weapon", made in the lab we can be sure of that. We don't eat bats and we don't eat rats, nor do we eat horses, dogs or cats. We don't eat whales or dolphins either.

We know that the "bio-weapon" developed in China attacks the hemoglobin and we also know there has been a Chinese cover-up. There are class actions lawsuits for trillions of $ now, the legal beagles are on it. There is no way that China should be allowed onto the UN Human Rights Council, especially when China is responsible for a "Crime against humanity".

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