
Wednesday 15 April 2020


Leo King talks about the Sun in Taurus Square Saturn with a Dark Moon in Aries. David often mentions 2012 and asks what were you doing in 2012, what was significant in your life at that time?

Remember the saying about 2012, "It is not the end of the world, it is the end of the world has you have known it". The World Health Organisation has certainly had a reality check this week, with Trump halting the funding to WHO. Now China is complaining that Trump is withholding payment and plans to put the billions towards helping Americans.

David mentions 1991, in the UK in 1991, the UK was in a deep recession, and only small business people with real initiative survived it financially. In those days Spirit compelled yours truly to move forward spiritually with the tarot and divine counselling. It was a time for yours truly to diversify and for wisdom more precious than rubies to prosper in a very difficult economic climate. Hence the saying don't put all of your eggs in one basket, and have more than one string to your bow.

So I kept my full-time business going at the same time as activating my spiritual hobby that became a new string to my angelic harp financially. Then it took off naturally, organic, and it was a success with Spirit's wind behind it. It continued for a beautiful cycle of divine counselling, teaching, sharing, giving. Until it was time to move into the new era of my life and have new experience with long haul travel to Australia when the previous phase of my life had been completed. Networking, promoting, representing other spiritual people, companies, products and services, mission completed.

In the 90s it was the survival of the fittest, it was certainly an analysis of peak fitness in business and business acumen. Who could surf the emotional waves and who couldn't. Who had the ability to adapt, who was flexible to change and who could make the most of their talents and abilities.

Who turned their hobbies into businesses, who rode the crest of the wave in spirituality because spirituality was definitely soaring in the 90s. When life gets difficult people often return to their spirituality and or turn to spiritual people for help and advice. Once I aligned with the spiritual side of my life, my life continued to improve and prosper. It was definitely the right time for me to do so.

Many are called but few are chosen and as Jesus said, "The workers are few". Why is that? Jesus knew that few would choose the healing path of love. David made me laugh when he told his followers that they'd prefer to have their toilet rolls than love. The lockdown will certainly be recorded in history as the "Toilet Roll Lockdown".


Jesus says, "It's Summer", this Summer I am celebrating my 25th anniversary of stepping on the healing path with Reiki and Jesus.  It is also a 20th anniversary for becoming a Reiki Master teacher.

When the lockdown is over, it would be great to have a spiritual party, a reunion with lots of Reiki hugs, lots of cuddles, it's cuddle time in my life.

Anyway, have a listen to David, he is very clever, energetic, high vibe, he certainly knows his stuff, one of the best of his kind on the internet. I've always enjoyed selecting talent from my earliest days of being in a working environment. I enjoyed my days as an Art Buyer in London for a creative Ad Agency in Knightsbridge.

I also enjoyed helping students and young people make the right choices for themselves career wise by tapping into their natural talents. I enjoyed casting sessions and my work in Television and Radio, I had a fabulous creative career that included market research prior to becoming a healer and health consultant.

I've always enjoyed my work life, and whatever I am compelled to do I put my heart and soul into it. Each individual health case that lands on my lap, is investigated with the same vigour and passion, the discoveries that I make never cease to amaze me. In 2012 a miracle happened in these hands, so I'm hoping for another miracle this year too for someone I care deeply about. It was also the year that I began painting, Jesus kept on telling me "Paint" and sometimes he would name the paintings. Some people like this painting that he called "LAST DAYS".

David mentions the Juke Box and the music that is in your record collection, listen to it.

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