
Tuesday 7 April 2020


Libra Full Moon and I had a dream of people that had a spiritual interest from a particular family and they were very hard work. They had no idea who I was or what work I had been involved in.

They were all women of different ages. As I was leaving my visit to their home I spoke to one of the children and said, "When you grow up you will realise the opportunity that you missed". 

Then I was with a spiritual colleague from the 90s that I worked with. We met up at a spiritual event and the family of women were also at the same location at the same time. I smiled when I saw them.

Then the spiritual colleague and I were going to have dinner together. We were chatting together I replied,  "It is never too late for a working relationship, just as it never too late for a romantic relationship". 

I then went to shower, wash my hair and get ready for dinner. Then for some reason, some spiritual friends arrived and for some reason we had to go to theirs for dinner instead. They asked us both, "You don't mind coming to ours for dinner do you? That couple are vegans and I'm not a vegan.

The spiritual colleagues stopped the romantic dinner for two and in so doing, they also stopped the working relationship.

The dream conveyed that the vegans clearly had an agenda. Although I sense that he and I are still working on a different plane with many of our other spiritual colleagues that connected up and networked together in the 90s. The work that all of the hands on healers have been involved in as certainly never stopped.

The 90s was a powerful circuit of love, a powerful circle of love. It was an electric timeline.

In dream interpretation if you receive a dream concerning mystic or occult matters, it predicts that you will will receive some confidential information which will be of great advantage to you.

To dream of friends is a demonstration of true friendship in a dream of a straight forward prediction of happy social times ahead with good companions. Dreaming of distant friends is generally a forerunner of unexpected news or sad depending on whether or not they were in trouble in the dream.

A Libra full moon was bound to include friendships, working and or otherwise. it was bound to bring a cycle of life to completion. Mars is in Aquarius and so is Saturn, Venus is in Gemini the communicator. In 2019, we had two full moons in Libra, in 2020 we only have one. Although the man in this dream was a Taurus the bull.

Leo King says that the last time that we had a Libra full moon like this one was in 2012. 2012 was an interesting year for yours truly. The best thing about 2012 in my life was a miracle and the extension of a patients life. I gave her a strict and strategic protocol to be followed and it was a success, so much so, she was able to return to work.

We put the healing team to work on the case, multi-disciplined, multi-pronged. It included nutrition, change of lifestyle of food eaten and an intensive programme of Reiki healing treatments with more than one of us working on the patient at the same time.

It also included colour healing work, the patient was wrapped in a specific colour for her case for rebirthing, she was also given flower essences and aromatherapy oils.

Jesus the healer was with us every step of the way to help her. Remember what he said where two are gathered in my name there I shall be. Healing does require trust, it does require humility and humble hearts.

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