
Tuesday 21 April 2020

Pluto Retrograde 2020

I've pondered on the message "Slowly" from Jesus since hearing his message, as it is the first time he has ever asked me to go slowly. Does his message link into Pluto Retrograde? More than possible. It sure is going to be one of those years with Pluto stationing retrograde on the 25th of April, 2020 and that will be in Capricorn and it will station direct on the 4th of October, so a long transit.

It looks like Aquarians can just sit this transit out, just sit in the garden and my sauna and just be supportive of my Libra friends that are facing a very challenging time with this transit.

It can be really difficult for Libra's because they're such worriers, they don't like imbalance or anything that throws them and their routine out of sync. I did share with a young Libra neighbour at the start of the year; that this year for us horses it has to be a gentle trot, a little canter but no galloping. So we can associate gentle with slowly, like giving a Reiki healing treatment is given slowly.

As the link says Capricorns will find it very intense and the Libra's, Aries and Cancerian's will also find it most challenging. Some people can rise to the challenge, although it depends on the challenges they are brought.

I'm not surprised about the "Slowly", for this Aquarian, especially after receiving the "Housework Dream" with a cleaner in it. So he is certainly not asking yours truly to go back to work yet apart from our writing on this blog etc. I sense that the board has to be swept before the way will have a clear passage, we can't take an ethical new protocol to anywhere or to anyone that is "unethical".

I'm being shown that we can't wait any longer, don't put your lives on hold. Justice is coming.

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