
Sunday 19 April 2020


This week we have New Moon in Taurus in Sun conjunct Uranus. Of course Venus is still in Gemini, Trumps sun sign. American's might like to look at where Taurus is in Donald's birth chart.

The Taurus New Moon is on the 22nd/23rd depending where you live on the planet in England it is on the 23rd of April and it will be in my 4th house. So for yours truly, it concerns the following:

"Matters surrounding your home become more prominent over the coming weeks (up until the 10th of May). Links with the past or family background are emphasised. This influence occurs every year during this period, though it is not generally very significant (being unoccupied area of my chart) and there's nothing special happening to make this year any different. 

Around the New Moon on the 23rd of April, there could be a social gathering at home, or you maybe looking for ways to improve your domestic set-up. Two weeks later, the pull of the home and family may take you away from career and more public goals". 

Can I relate to that? Definitely, there is still lots of small home improvements to be carried out, in fact, if it wasn't for the lockdown, I would certainly have some tradesmen coming to do some work for me. Homes have to be constantly maintained to be kept in a good order, and that costs money.

One of the reasons that I chose to downsize a long time ago was due to the high cost of maintenance of a property with only one income. In this phase of my life the DIY that is necessary is like the next phase of the renewal of my life and I don't feel that I can move on until the DIY is completed. I always like to leave a property better than I found it, vastly improved.

As far as family are concerned, my parents were often decorating and once my dad got started he really enjoyed making everything look lovely. My parents loved their home, it was their sanctuary, they could close the door, get into their dressing gowns and just relax in the comfort that they had created for us all.


I do think that Taurus has strong patriot energy with it in my 4th house and so it was appropriate to call out the architects that have been designing for the Chinese regime property developers in London. Has they had not honoured our historic culture and architecture. In fact what those architects have designed for the Royal Albert Docks is what we English Londoner's call an "Eyesore".

I do think that the patriot bulls will be going after the Chinese regime in this timeline and it has already begun with MP's now investigating the British politicians that are involved in the China agenda. Taurus is very protective of its home and homeland and when the bulls charge you certainly know about it. Remember the saying, "Bulls in a China shop", and how things can get smashed when the bulls charge.

It is certainly full steam ahead for yours truly, in my sauna/steamer I am so happy that I bought it and have been able to use it during the lockdown, it has been really wonderful.

I have to do some decorating and rearrange my home so that I can put the sauna/steamer in my bedroom. I've discovered that I can also use it for steaming my clothes so that is an extra bonus.

I'm having a clear out of my drawers and I've begun steaming my clothes with a new hand steamer.

I also have dehumidifiers in my wardrobes and I must say I am most impressed with those. The people that I have been speaking too have also found plenty to do during the lockdown, in fact, one friend said she hadn't even had time to read any books.

By the end of next week we should also know the outcome of a court case. In addition to the fact, that I have complained again about an NHS "sub-contractor". I am sure a lot of people will be bullish about being denied treatment for serious health conditions whilst doctors in private hospitals in the UK are sitting twiddling their thumbs. The NHS bought the bed space and there isn't anyone in those private beds.

Then we have doctors in America saying that they won't take the proposed vaccine when it arrives because they know that it will kill millions of people. I think there is going to be an almighty shaking up of the medical profession and we are already seeing some positive signs of that.

Just think about how it is when Bison charge, there is going to be a stampede from those that are naturally ethical and live their lives in harmony with nature and Trump will love it.

New moons are about new beginnings and it time is for the bulls to take action. To defend the home, homeland and historic cultures. I don't think China have Bison do they? They certainly can't play cricket and Jesus is giving his support to the Indian Superkings.

In this video Cameron said, "Technically in your future, technically in your past". Big smiles.

Venus is still in Gemini until May and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on the 25th of April, 2020.

How will you celebrate this new moon in Taurus? What is your precious gift to your family and friends?


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