
Saturday 25 April 2020

May 2020 - JAN 2022 Nodal Axis into Gemini and Sagittarius

Pam Gregory, has shared this great video on the shift of the transiting Nodal Axis into Gemini and Sagittarius on the 5th May, until January 2022 and what that might mean for us. Pam shared that the last time that we had this configuration was in 2001, and it will exist for 18 months.

Pam makes the point that it was in 2001 when 9/11 happened, and that was the first time I was compelled to help Americans.

In my life in 2001, it was a window of opportunity, as it was a three year and that is usually a great year for wisdom more precious than rubies.  In 2001, I launched the first healing meditation, "Divine Mother and Her Archangels" CD and it was a great success that happened very quickly.

2002, I then launched the "Reiki with Quan Yin", healing meditations CD. Both meditations stayed in the top of the mediation charts for five years. 2001-2002

I was also involved in a lot of teaching and travelling to teach. Although I don't anticipate much travelling for yours truly in 2020, due to the current uncertainty to do with travel. Although I do have another trip to Israel in my sights at some point.

2001 I was invited to work for SURE START in a consultancy role, implementation of training the modules that I designed for 2002 for the families. The "New Empowerment Model" and the results were stunning. All kudos to the families that engaged with the pioneering work.

2002, due to the success of the healing work with the families, I was then commissioned to provide training modules for health and education workers.

Hence, it looks like it is an auspicious timeline for yours truly with this Nodal Axis in Gemini and Sagittarius. As I have Sagittarius as my ascendent and also in my 12th house. I have the GEM IN I, as a moon sign under my feet, Jupiter in Gemini, 6th and 7th houses in Gemini. Gemini is the twins and my surname also means twin.

It is full STEAM ahead, although Jesus said, "SLOWLY", then afterwards I saw that Pluto is stationing retrograde and that would explain "SLOWLY'. It means to lead gently, think before you act. Think before you speak, think things through, as Jesus said, "I'm going to fix it".

So be sure to listen to divine instructions at this time because it can help you to prosper in more ways than you might think. It is a three year in my life cycle this year, divine providence for wisdom more precious than rubies. Hence, I will do my utmost to make the most of it for length of days. Helping others to extend the length of their lives.

Pam mentions the lungs in her talk and one of the most important aspects for the lungs is obviously  OXYGEN. OXYGEN can also be found in some specific foods and at least one supplement that I am aware of.

One of the issues with COVID 19 is that the American medics found that the scans of people who have died from it, already had damaged lungs from the damage that pharmaceuticals had created prior to catching Covid 19.

Some are also saying that those that have already had flu jabs are far more prone to it. I will never ever have a flu jab. Although I don't mind taking a test. I think everyone will have to take the test.

Oxygen is imperative for the lungs and the blood, and we also know that IRON is especially important for the hemoglobin. Not only that but women require nearly 2/3rd's more iron during and after menopause.

What's the best complimentary therapy for oxygen to the lungs and blood? REIKI and this year it is my 25th Reiki anniversary of when I first stepped on the path to become a healer. It is also my 20th anniversary since I became a Reiki Master Teacher. So certainly a time to celebrate these wonderful anniversaries in life.

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