
Wednesday 8 April 2020


In some countries it was the Full Moon in Libra yesterday and in other countries it is today on the 8th. Today is the first day of the Jewish Passover holidays, so it is lighting up time.

Time to eat your herbs, you can have four glasses of wine and I have Elijah's red wine. In advance of passover I had cooked some Spicy Parsnip soup, I've also made some Green Olive Humous, and Chicken Liver Pate. Great nutrition.

I have my portable sauna/steamer to sit in and I enjoy floating in this music. After my sauna I just feel like painting, I deserve it, as it has been a very busy time on-line recently due to the lockdown.


There has also been some great news from Israel with a new protocol for patients and the Haifa based company achieved a 100% success rate with the new protocol. The patients were treated with Pluristem's placenta cell therapy.

Libra Full Moon and Libra is ruled by Venus, Libra and Relationships. Venus is in Gemini for the next four months. Planets are direct, Mars is in Aquarius, Saturn is in Aquarius. It is high vibe time for yours truly, timeline of opportunity, open door, will you walk through it? Some people have had some letting go to do the last month and some people have had success with letting go of previous relationships that were not bringing balance into their lives.

Relationships have to be based upon a foundation of truth otherwise they so easily get swept away.

Jesus spoke of it when he spoke of not building your house on sand. Truth is imperative, integrity is crucial for any relationship to be a success whether it is in work or in your love lives.

As I shared many years ago, "Love without integrity is like an ocean without fish, like a library without books".

 "Let my people go", so it is great that a neighbour has made a major breakthrough. It has taken two years for the Libra neighbour to raise his vibration into the truth of his life.  He is in a far better shape now than he was when he first moved in.

That's great news isn't it for this Libra full moon. Completion, balance returned into his life, peacefulness, quietly confident and moving forward with his life now in a much more positive way.

He says, he's ready to receive Reiki now. As I used to say. Sometimes the teacher appears before the student is ready. Wisdom more precious than rubies and this year is a great year for wisdom in my life cycle. Some people have tremendous difficulty in breaking never ending cycles in their lives, some people have to be shown the way.

Looking back it is hard to remember the days when he came crying through my door and I would comfort him in my arms of love. He has changed so much since then, changed for the better, mentally, emotionally and physically.

He is now ready for the open door of opportunity and to show people what he's really made of, he's passed over into a totally new reality. All he has to do now is prioritise and introduce a new strategic protocol into his life for the longevity of his health, he's going in the right direction and for that we must be truly grateful.

For it truly is a blessing to see him so much happier than he was two years ago. Some people make breakthroughs quickly, some people take far longer to see the light of real love and the power of its healing potential. It has been a miraculous recovery from where he was, a new day begins in his life every day. Another job done!

OXYGEN is a major talking point now, I view oxygen has neutral, you've either got it or you haven't, it's that easy. So be sure your cells have plenty of oxygen, make sure you eat food that gives your body oxygen. For those of you that are 30+ make sure you supplement with Coq10.

Reiki healing also increases Oxygen in the blood by at least 30%+ so make sure that you are on it for your health.

So let's have some spiritual fun and music this night to kick off Passover.  The American guy, Leo King cracks me up. He said to his listeners, "You'd rather have your toilet paper than love".  That's a line that can stick to the historical lockdown memories. Big smiles.

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