
Monday 6 April 2020


I like to switch off from what is going on in the world and just be in my peacefulness. Some spiritual people are chatting quietly at how they think that our time as come for renewal.

That's one of the reasons I enjoy to listen to the news about planetary configurations to have a break from the madness of what is happening on the planet.

It is the full moon in Libra this week, Libra the sign of the scales of justice and balance. So how much balance is there in your life now with everything that is going on? Venus rules Libra and Libra likes relationship and are often master builders of relationships and friendships.

I have three Libra's that I know and they're all having difficulties in this timeline, all three are guys, from different generations.

I always view full moons as a completion of something and it is often completion of the actions from the previous month and that can be in relation to friendships. If you haven't managed to resolve something prior to the full moon then you might just as well just be in acceptance and offer it up to the universe. Or you could decide to put it on the back burner.

Interesting that I received two dreams to do with family in the lead up to this full moon, one of the dreams included a younger member who was in tears. The other dream showed that I had no attachment to sentimental keepsakes. You can't cuddle metals even if it is gold.

When and if other people's lives are out of balance you can't allow that to have a detrimental impact on you and your life. So it is interesting to note who you have been talking to you in the last month, what they had to say and to share.

Who cared fully for you and contacted you, who phoned you, who emailed you, who made sure that you were OK and likewise who were you aligned with to contact and offer your help, guidance or prayers? Whether a person accepts your offer of help or not, it is the thoughtfulness that matters.

Remember that energy follows thought and intention comes before thought. Jesus has been strong with me over the weekend, I felt the power of his love come over me like a wave, sometimes I call it a shower of his powerful love. He often reminds yours truly that he is close by my side and he sees all that I do.


This PINK Super moon in Libra comes in my 9th house.

Venus is in Gemini for the next four months, Mars is in Aquarius and Saturn is in Aquarius too, so there is certainly a lot going on for the air signs that are involved in the thinking and emotional processes that many people are experiencing. Some people are coping far better than others with the lockdown. This mystic has lived reclusively for many years, so my life hasn't really changed much due to the lockdown.

It is important to remember that not everyone is as emotionally or spiritually mature enough to cope with a lockdown, or a national emergency, although Aquarians don't make a drama out of a crisis. We tend to stay calm, cool headed, and think things through prior to taking any action. Although I'm sure that you will all have something important to process his coming week.

Some people were far more prepared for this timeline than others, some people had done their homework prior to it and some thought that they could just carry on business as usual.

Of course, that always has repercussions, many people are now being laid off from work and that is biting many people financially.

In 2016, medics in London wrote a report about the inevitability of an Asian pandemic, the British government ignored it and didn't prepare our nation in advance. I was warning people for years to get geared up with paramedics for emergencies and gear up our essential services.

In 2018, the Swedish government wrote to their people warning them in advance and telling them to be prepared.

Anyhow have a listen to what is happening with the planets.

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