
Friday 3 April 2020


When I opened my eyes this morning I was shown a vision of a large food store, there were few people in store and they were getting "very anxious", about what is happening, especially the men they looked "bewildered".

Doctors have found that the "Covid 19 Virus", can impact neurologically and can impact on the brain and behaviour.

This is a report from America and what is happening in America, W.H.O. are predicting a shortage of food very soon. Apparently in the UK we have a shortage of egg boxes because we import those from Denmark and they're closed for the next 20 days.  So we have plenty of eggs and not enough egg boxes. Hence, once the eggs in store are gone, they're gone until the Danish manufacturer opens again.

Food banks are closing, I did notice that the food bank containers had a lot less in them.

Less people shopping, less people putting food into the food bank containers.

In the UK those that were ahead of the curve since Christmas have been building up food stocks at home since then. Although people are still going once a week for fresh fruit and veg. I noticed in our local supermarket, most of the speciality counters were closed.

Christian asks is our food supply under threat right now? He says, yes.

So are you growing any of your own food? I'm growing a range of different food, I try growing different food each year to see what is the most productive for me. Although I always do tomatoes. I  just managed to pick up more seeds just prior to the lockdown.

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