
Friday 27 March 2020


Just to let you know that I have been updating the portable sauna blogpost with more scientific research on the power of heat treatment. So do check out the latest updates on the original blogpost.

Remember what Jesus said about being HOT!


Be awesomely HOT with sauna and Reiki healing. Last week I also woke up with my hands on fire with Reiki, the Reiki fire, flame of Joseph, my dad used to have lovely HOT hands when he was giving healing.

It was wonderful and I immediately put my hands on my face with the Reiki, Reiki On!

In the recent dream of Jesus he was laying in a river of red and it looked like blood. No coincidence then that my sauna is a burgundy RED.

The Top 22 Science Backed Health Benefits of Sauna by Ari Whitten. 

An hour and 25 minutes presentation. 

It was the only colour that they had available when I ordered it. It matches the colour of this blog. I also bought a red car in October 2019, and a new red office chair that heats up and massages my body.

It is all about the red in my life in this timeline. Red is also the colour of HEAT, the heat is on, Red Roses, symbolic of love.

We now know that one of the first signs of the coronavirus is red eyes, allergy eyes. It isn't the first time in my life that I've had allergy eyes, as it happens if I eat to much bread with yeast in it. It is the yeast that I am allergic too.

I did have some "allergy" "red eyes" about a month ago and the pharmacy gave me a gel for it. I've also bathed my eyes in "witch hazel" that you can get from the chemist. My eyes are fine now, although we do recommend an eye bath/eye wash on a regular basis.

I have had a seasonal cough, a bit chesty, some sneezing, and I can feel it in the sinus sometimes, although nothing serious, and no fever.  So this portable sauna is ideal for this timeline, today I am going to put a few drops of healing oils in the water for the steam.

It feels wonderful like sitting in a hot bath, it is great for bones and joints too, I can highly recommend it for this timeline and to include it into your daily health routine, especially while our country is on lockdown. It really is brilliant for your health.

Dr Rainer Strange of Berlin's Immanuel Hospital explains why the sauna is important for health and what it can do for the body.

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