
Monday 23 March 2020


Russia has sent teams of their best military and medical teams to help Italy after Putin phoned over the weekend. The Russians say, "The Coronavirus doesn't invade Russia, Russia invades the Coronavirus". 

Putin said, "From Russia with Love". 

Cuba have also sent doctors and nurses to help the humanitarian crisis in Italy.


The Duran give their view on the situation. 35 minutes. Angela Merkle is also in quarantine.

Alexander says there isn't enough respirators in the UK and Italy. The EU didn't give Italy any help as far as respirators are concerned, the EU didn't send Italy any help to solve the crisis. Italy gave up hope on getting any help from the EU, Italy accepted the offer from Putin and Russia.

You can be sure that Russia will be sending testing kits and respirators, medical staff and scientists. It is obviously in Russia's interest to study the crisis in Italy, to gain more information on it. Russia have the resources and are sending resources to Italy to help the Italians.

Alex says that that EU are still inviting more immigrants. Greece is locking down on Monday, the Greek government have told the Greeks, "This is war". Alex says that the Italians are not likely to forgive the EU for it's inaction. The EU didn't even send the Italians test kits and respirators, nor did they instruct for all external borders of Europe to be closed.

France is threatening Boris Johnson, that if he doesn't do more to stop the spread of it, France will close the borders with the UK.


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