
Thursday 26 March 2020



It is only time my loves, time soon passes, there is so much that you can be doing with your time.

Time is precious don't waste it. As my mother's motto goes, "waste not, want not". She received that motto from her mother, and so I pass it on to you.

Life requires time, health and healing requires time, as our planet regenerates at this time, this is your opportunity to regenerate yourselves. Begin your lives anew with a new dream, a new opportunity for your future. Life never stands still, your bodies are always changing, change is the only constant.

The only warning that I pass on to you at this time, try not to be overconfident in anything that you do, take your time, one step at a time, grow organically. Overconfident people travelled when they should've stayed at home looking after their own health and healing and that of their families.

Interesting that in scripture Jesus gave a warning about the last days of the end times and not to travel in the wintertime, who did listen? Only those that stand with him and great Spirit.

Organic growth is best in your careers, your professions, your businesses, your friendships and relationships with family and loved ones.

Allow progress and change to happen in your lives, change can help your local communities and families. Support each other, telephone each other, PM each other, email each other. Keep your vibrations high, stay in the love beyond measure. Stay in your hearts of essentials, I'm still on the planet whenever you require help. All you have to do is get in contact with yours truly and ask.

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