
Sunday 22 March 2020


Cam White shares about this week and the planetary configuration. Unprecedented time.

23rd of March is the anniversary of dad's birthday. Aries New Moon, the start of the new astrological year. New moons usually bring in new beginnings and new opportunities. So what do you have planned for this week? What goals do you have, and what would you like to achieve.

Aries is a fire sign, passionate, compelled into action, pro-active, how can you be pro-active in your life? If you are in self-isolation, how best can you make the best use of this time, how can this time at home prosper you?  I always seem to find plenty to do, for yours truly, it is more about what I am physically able to do. So stay focussed at this time on what is most important to you and your loved ones.

Saturn is also in Aquarius, my sun sign. Saturn the teacher and Aquarius thinking about what is the best and most appropriate way forward at this time. Venus is moving into Gemini on the 3rd of April, that is a long transit as it remains in Gemini until August the 7th. I have a lot of Gemini in my birth chart. I have a Gemini Moon, Jupiter in Gemini, Gemini in my 6th and 7th houses.

For people with Gemini in the 7th house what they require the most in their relationships is support, although it is rare when we are ever given the required support in true sincerity in love relationships.

We often find ourselves giving far more loving support to others than they give in return. Hence we have to protect our soft hearts and lives or we can become completely drained by giving too much of ourselves and our energy to others.

The 7th house is also ruled by Libra so it is about getting the balance exactly right. If and when the balance is harmonious only then do our lives move forward together.

Remember the numeric I was given while bathing in Orange, 743 and it will soon be the 4th month of April. 7 is the life number of the spiritual teacher it was also the life number of Jesus. Saturn is also the teacher especially to do with discipline and responsibility. Hence, Jesus was definitely a hard task master where spiritual development was concerned.

Although he made the spiritual journey easier for people that really put the effort into the healing community.  It's clear that this is a time when you will really see who put the real effort into self-development. How peaceful and together people are, how graceful, never making a drama out of a crisis. Those people will stand out in the crowd of people on the internet, I am an instrument of his peace.

With Venus moving into Gemini there is going to be a lot of communications between loved ones, families and friends. Venus will compel people to communicate, so for instance I received two phone calls today, on Mother's Day. All you have to do is pick up the phone and tell someone that you love them and that you care fully for them.

Gemini loves to talk and interact with others, it is a very sociable sign and I think a lot of people will be calling each other and chatting, just to let others know that they're not alone and that your loved ones really do care about you.

Remember that Venus is the planet of love and I anticipate a lot of huddling together, comforting each other through this difficult time for humanity. With today's technology, distance isn't an issue, people can always be in direct contact with each other. So it is a great time for remote scanning and distant healing too, sending the power of your love to those individuals that require it.

This week Mars also moves into Aquarius so there is a lot going on in my chart at this time. It's a good idea to know what is in your birth chart. It can give you some great confirmation. When Mars is in my sun sign of Aquarius it gives yours truly the dynamic drive to accomplish something wonderful. With the impact of Venus it can be lovely and with the impact of Gemini it can be to do with communications.

Anyway, have a listen to Cam and his sharing about this week if you'd like to do so. He's very talented.

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