
Monday 30 March 2020


It's Mars in Aquarius tomorrow until the 13th of May, 2020. When Mars is in Aquarius it is passionate, forceful, powerful, so fasten your seat belts, it is going to be a very passionate time, very steamy when Mars is in Aquarius.


When Mars is in Aquarius the male energy doesn't mess about, he's serious about his intentions, confident in his aims and he comes on stronger than ever.

Strength is in the originality of Aquarius, with fresh ideas, innovative and unique plans. My sun sign is in Aquarius so it's a great time to be pro-active. I also have Venus in Aquarius so it's going to be WOW, Amazing.

The energy of Mars in Aquarius is transformational and it is brilliant for anyone that has solutions that haven't been thought of or acted upon before, so a great time for new inventions.

Aquarius is full of surprises, she/he likes to surprise people and just when they think they've got it, they turn the wheel again and she/he raises the standards again to make people stretch themselves further.

Mars in Aquarius can be the dynamic duo and a great duet, that is probably why I got on so well with my dad because he was ruled by Mars and he was certainly dynamic in how he nurtured the best of my natural talents.

The Aquarian visionaries are born leaders, so do have some fun and enjoy this transit in uniqueness and remember extraordinary people do extraordinary things. Get on with your new projects, the time is right.

Some people might get "angry" with you,  especially when they realise that some else has got the crystal ball and have been able to see into the future. I did advise people ahead of time prior to the pandemic to keep their options open due to the changeable times health wise.

Just smile if you experience people expressing any "anger" towards you and that can manifest in different ways. Remember the Reiki principles and the Christ teachings, "Just for today do not anger".

I do have crystal spheres, one is in obsidian and the other is in selenite. I think of them as my male and female crystal spheres. I also had a dream in 2019 of being given a shoebox with an Easter egg sized rock crystal in it, the light was pouring out of the crystal egg.

Although at the start of this year I was gifted with a cosmic ball and I was fully aware of who had gifted it on the spiritual plane. I tried to paint what was put into my hands has a gift.

As we know some of us were fully prepped in advance, some of us knew what was coming ahead of time, we are miles ahead. That is the Aquarian energy being miles ahead of the crowd and now that Mars is in Aquarius it is time to move forward with new solutions that you have tucked inside your hearts.

So be innovative, be unique because the planetary energies are with you and supporting transformational philosophies that can help humanity to make a breakthrough in this timeline.

In business it is a great time for creating new niche markets with new product lines that are appropriate for the timeline. So be pro-active, be a pioneer. Once the shops are empty of Chinese product, what will they put in our British stores instead? What services can you provide to help the people?

Aquarians can be very philosophical about life and very laid back in their personal lives, although we are fully on it in our work lives, the two different sides of my personality that is for sure.

Where health is concerned this health consultant is very serious indeed with pure intention and it can be very intense if I'm working on a case or involved in writing a new project. That is often where the passion is seen in my writing and in my work for the divine.

I view the current "virus", as a catalyst for making people realise what is really important in life, people have to prioritise. People can't just drift through life in this timeline, they can't carry on living the way that they have done previously on automatic pilot. Aquarius can be very independent, freedom loving, so what can you do in your life to give you more freedom?

How will you nurture your free Spirit at this time? Will Mars push you to navigate others through this timeline? Mars can give the Aquarian energy to the strength and power to support others that required it at this time. Our medical professionals in the front line at hospitals certainly require help and protection in this timeline, so if you have healing hands please use them to send energy to those on the front line.

Will you be a spiritual consultant to assist people with their spiritual development? What do you have to bring to the table now that is imperative for the people? This health consultant certainly has a lot to share on nutrition and supplements.

Interesting that one of my new watch faces cracked today in the sink and I had a dream recently of a young girl with long blonde hair that was in the sink. She had to be removed from the sink and given a bed.


As such it does indicate that there are moves afoot and the cracking of the watch face, indicates I have to wear my other watch. I call my other watch my Reiki watch because it has a lavender leather watch strap and the strap and watch has flowers on it. This year I also had a dream of being bought a watch and I was more interested in safety. After I received that dream we then had the lockdown in the UK.

So I am being shown not to wear metal on my wrist and only wear leather now. Leather also relates to the third anniversary and I had a dream of being sent a cream leather saddle after receiving the dream of the Boots that had to be buckled up.

In November 2019, I was compelled to buy leather gloves, a pair for myself and a pair for a Reiki healer.

I wear those leather gloves everyday I have to go out. I don't touch anything outside of my home without wearing my leather gloves, not even to use a cash machine or to make a payment. Any food I pick up, I pick up with my gloved hands.

I bought a clothes steamer today on-line, I think that is an essential to have for your clothes at this time due to the power of steam and humidity. Viruses don't like humidity and steam, scientifically proven. You can also use the steam machine on any deliveries that you receive.

Can we say full steam ahead, we definitely can with Mars in Aquarius. Saturn is also in Aquarius too and Saturn is the teacher of self-discipline. I'm certainly self-disciplined now with taking my supplements of minerals and enzymes every day. They are absolutely essential in this timeline.

One of the major issues is that "fear" is spreading faster than the "virus" on the planet, so for goodness sake Reiki healers send the power of your love to dissolve the "fear". And everyone take maximum precautions.


Remember also that prophecy says that the Lord of Hosts will strengthen the House of Judah, and save the House of Joseph, my dad was the youngest son of Joseph, London where he and his daughter were born. Remember what the other prophecy says, Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame. Mars is fire energy and I have a Sagittarius ascendent. 

Patrick Arundell's view of this Mars in Aquarius transit and with what else is happening during this transit. A huge focus on successful outcomes in this timeline.

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