
Tuesday 3 March 2020



2nd March 2020

Our trainee pilots in the UK are being investigated for producing a video slamming defence cuts, they made a spoof video. 

2nd March 2020 

As far as the Coronavirus is concerned, Israeli scientists will have a vaccine in three weeks they say. 

We know scientifically that the virus goes for the lungs, as such, there are things that you can do to protect your lungs. Brandy and Reiki healing keeps the airways open, Reiki is scientifically proven to increase the oxygen in the blood by at least 30%. CoQ10 puts more oxygen into the cells, I also recommend Glycerine that is a carrier for water in the body. 

For the adrenals I recommend celery, as the adrenals impact on the liver and kidneys. For empowering the liver I recommend lambs liver and chicken liver pate cooked with brandy and thyme with lots of garlic and butter. 

For the kidneys, I recommend lambs kidneys and they are great for English breakfast with eggs and tomatoes. Americans are recommending Elderberry extract. Of course make sure that you have plenty of lemons and limes. 

It is imperative to stay as positive as possible, keep your love vibration has high as you can.  You can carry a medicine pouch with healing oils and a rescue remedy. If you are working with other people than you can sniff the healing oils while you are at work. Children also usually like the smell of lavender healing oil. Although the healing oils I recommend at this time are Tea Tree Oil, and Eucalyptus due to their antiseptic qualities. 

You can also cleanse your auric fields with healing oil sprays or incense. Sage is also great for cleansing the air in the home. 

I like the healing colours in this painting. 
All the paintings are size A3 on card. 

2nd March 2020 

I've tried to speak to friends and neighbours about self-protection and self-preservation, most people that I have spoken too are not taking this seriously enough and I'm not running after people. They either get prepped up and stocked up just in case or they don't. They know where to come if they require any further information. 

It is really important that people are realistic at this time with the Virgo Supermoon on the 9th of March, as that will impact on the nervous system and especially the Vagus Nerve. I have Virgo in my 9th house so that would be a great day for a therapeutic massage and meditation or a Reiki session. 

I also heard one of the American doctors talk about the importance of headstands. I don't do headstands, although I do have an inversion table and do partial inversion that takes more oxygen to the brain. The unsurpassed as Jesus refers to yours truly. 

3rd March, 2020 

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