
Thursday 19 March 2020


Patrick Arundell shares about the Libra Full Moon on the 8th of April, 2020. He also gives us an update on Covid 19 as far as planetary configurations are concerned.

By the by, schools are closing this Friday and Boris is talking about the possibility of locking down London. This morning Sainsbury's stores were stripped bare by the early opening at 7-8am. The stores are going to have to work a lot quicker to keep stores stocked.

I'm glad I don't really eat pasta very often (I can always make my own pasta anyway) and when I was a child we didn't have toilet paper, in those days we had to use newspaper. I've got plenty of paper at home, so toilet paper is not on my priority list. Nutrients and supplements are far more important to yours truly, health and healing is my priority.

This full moon in Libra is in my 9th house and it is a Super moon. My chart says that "Old friends are revealing a new side of themselves, and you're making new types of friendships. You're drawn to people who are gentle, artistic, escapist, spiritual, fascinating, enigmatic and mysterious. One friend is someone you could almost hero-worship from a distance. You feel pleasantly surprised and uplifted that he or she wants to be your friend and equal. Like a chameleon, you move through society with ease and sophistication. Cultural, religious, political, and social class differences are no longer barriers.

By seeing society differently, you're interested in Utopian visions of the ideal state. You may choose to read, discuss and experiment with alternative approaches to welfare, communal life, democracy and political systems. More than playing with ideology, you can use your skills, contacts and know-how to help a worthy cause with humanitarian objectives".  Source" Robert Currey, Equinox. 


I like the quote from Harvard, "Love is not a luxury". 

Has we know balance is essential for the life of the Libra, in fact, it is essential for humanity. There has to be a balance between work and leisure.

Justice is also incredibly important to Libra and I have already written justice is coming.  I appear to be surrounded by Libra males at this phase of my life. I certainly get on great with Libra people whatever age they are. Libra like harmonious colours and appreciate anything that is beautiful to their eye. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So for instance the first thing my young Libra neighbour noticed yesterday was how sun tanned I look, with the look of health on my olive skin, he remarked upon it.

Anyway, have a listen to Patrick and remember that Libra is ruled by Venus the planet of love and relationships. Hence, a lot is going on with friendships, relationships, and colleagues at this time. Are people responding to the news in a balanced and harmonious way? Only those that are in balance with themselves and their souls do so.

Can people see the beauty in each other, are people spending more time with their families. Are people looking after their own people in their own countries, how far has humanity come since Christmas? A kindly neighbour knocked on my door this morning and asked if I required any toilet paper. How great is it that she was so thoughtful. In return I asked her if she requires any supplements.

Perhaps this full moon is time for what we used to call a stock check! Today the local store was brimming with flowers for mother's day, yet there was no chicken or meat in the store not even frozen. People are not just panic buying, some people are buying for resell on ebay, and that has to be stopped when it is essentials like babies milk etc.

A health crisis always gives people a reality check in love situations, what is really important to you and life is certainly what people are being asked to look at with the virus. For people are far more important than material things, and the health of the people, your families, your loved ones and you are crucial in this timeline.

That is one of the reasons that so many countries have gone on lock down, because they didn't have a vaccine for it and countries weren't taking any chances due to how it spread so quickly in Italy.

Apparently, it spread quickly because young people left the big cities and went home to the countryside and that is how it spread in Italy. It was the younger generations that moved it from one area to another.

Of course there was also many flights in and out of Italy. I heard that there was also at least 100 flights from China into the UK, that is a lot of people. 1 million British people are stranded abroad trying to get home.


Recently, I was shown a vision of large numbers in orange.


7 is the life number of the spiritual teacher, the philosopher and spiritual people do look at this philosophically, calmly in our hearts of peacefulness. I am an instrument of his peace is the gematria of the number plate of my car.

7 is my life number, it was also the life number of Jesus, the 7th heaven is also recorded in scripture. 743 adds up to 77, it compounds to 14 and on the 14th of March, a baby was born, a son was born to a young Libra neighbour and he attended the birth of his son.

That was also the anniversary of my mother's birthday. He was born in the third month, and he was born in the week of the "Dancers and Dreamers", a Pisces III, he will like to dance and will be a day dreamer.  1+4 = 5, compound number that relates to physical reality, physical birth of a little gentle lamb. He looks just like his half brother, a gentle soul.


4 and this full moon in Libra comes in the 4th month, 2020 also adds up to 44, 4+4 = 8, the numeric of spiritual transformation.

The numeric of 4, the four directions, the 4th dimension, the metaphysical. I gave Reiki healing to the mother while the baby was in the womb at the time I felt the baby had a lot of feminine qualities, probably because the boy was born a Pisces. When I opened my eyes on the Spring Equinox, my hands were red hot with Reiki energy, lovely, Reiki on.


Interesting that the alchemic symbols for ZINC include a symbol with a four in it.

3 the numeric of wisdom more precious than rubies, in Greek maths it was the perfect number.

743 is the Sophie Germain Prime Number, the SAFE PRIME.  So you can anticipate that safety will still be a priority on this full moon.

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