
Tuesday 10 March 2020

KADESH Message

While painting I received the word "Kadesh" on the second night of Purim. It is Yahweh that speaks to yours truly in Hebrew.


Biblically, Kadesh can be found as a location, and it is the south side, south ward. The bible also says that Moses sent messengers from Kadesh. Hence the word in this context spoken is giving direction.

The holy fountain and an important oasis is also connected with Kadesh.

So for instance if I drive a little south from where I am, I arrive at a hotel with a swimming pool, sauna and steam room where I spent my birthday night and some of Valentine's Day.

Last night I was looking at what people did in ancient times to cleanse the pools. The Romans built their pools on hot springs and gave the hot springs numerous minerals for people to bathe in. Hence even in ancient times they knew how important the minerals are for the body.

In ancient Judaism salt was used in purification rites.

Kadesh has a name can mean holy or sanctuary, like a healing sanctuary and water can be incredibly healing, sparking hot springs. I had a lovely hot bath today, a facial and massage afterwards, I also had company, I'm never alone, there is always someone spying on me on a soul level.

It makes me smile, the spy that loved me. He's not spying on me really, he just likes to know that I am safe and sound, being looked after for I am holy to the LORD, Kadesh.

Years ago I was walking to the local shop and he spoke to me saying I haven't been looking after you very well have I? Yahweh was chuckling, I wondered why he was laughing at me.

When I arrived home there was a check waiting for me, it had arrived in the post.  I was shocked and surprised, he clearly knew what he'd done and in that case he sent David to help yours truly when I required help.

Amazing spiritual experiences in my life. When a person comes into my life, I always ask, "What is the purpose, what is the reason for this person being in my life?" So that I can have clarity on the situation and know how to respond to it.

When I asked him about a friend in London he said "You have to look after each other",  he always sends people together for his divine purpose. He's always got a divine plan. Big smiles.

Recently Jeff Benner provided a new translation of Psalm 95 and it mentions that they will come to the Oasis for that is the will of Yahweh.

So what are your pretty thoughts about today, as I shared with my buddy I am jolly positive because there is plenty to be positive about. The sky is blue the sun is shinning, a jolly day today. Stay in the Spirit of Truth and the Power of Love, for it is divine when you experience perfected love.

The Italians built just one JOLLY plane in 1960, it was around that time that my mum was being taught how to cook an Italian meat sauce by an Italian neighbour in the next street. That meat sauce is better than the sauce you get in Italian restaurants in the UK.

I was blessed to train a group of our English ladies in Italy, in Umbria, the heart of Italy. A spiritual group  of Italians also came to meet me in Florence we had a fantastic time together for the harmonic concordance. An Israeli flew in too for the gathering.

After that I did go further south in Italy and found an awesome place with a natural hot springs in between the mountains and the beach. I was so busy looking at properties and land I didn't get time to go in the hot springs. Although it is popular with people who have skin conditions.

In Israel the furthest south I was sent to was En Gedi, I had a lovely time in the swimming pool with the disabled children in the sunshine in 2006. Although I hope to go further south one day, close to the dolphins.

If I am blessed to return to Israel for the third time, the Dolphin Reef in Eilat would certainly be on my list to visit. I'd also like to visit the Lemongrass farmer in the north.

So hurry up Israel, make Israel all better so that I can come for a visit. There is so much to see and do in Israel, I'd like to go for a month next time.

Get Israeli's wearing leather gloves and aprons, make sure they've got plenty of Surgical Spirit to use externally and Glycerine to take internally. For Yahweh spoke about Glycerine in October 2012.

EL AL are putting 80% of their workforce on unpaid leave due to the Coronavirus. Their pilots and their families won't be jolly about that news. Source Jerusalem Post.

I read an article by scientists that virus's can't survive in high temperatures. So keep the body heat high. I've been having some UV since the beginning of March and keep your homes heated high.

This medical study shows that the Sar virus was eliminated in heating and UV.


"The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes". 

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