
Friday 13 March 2020


This is the Italian doctor, this doctor is a contagious infection specialist. He was featured in the Daily Mail urging the UK to lock down because Italy didn't respond fast enough. He says that the cases in Italy begin at age 40-50.

My view is that European countries have suffered huge austerity for over a decade, austerity = poverty = weak immune systems = illness susceptibility. The EU and it's politicians have a lot to answer for.

We know that it impacts upon the lungs and the best therapy for the lungs is Reiki healing,

I'm sure our Reiki healers on the planet will be self-treating as Reiki increases the oxygen in the blood by at least 30%. One of my Italian friends gives himself Reiki everyday, as we say in Reiki, REIKI ON! Reiki is also excellent for bringing down a high fever, the more competent your practitioner, the greater the success. Pure intention and attention on.

I also recommend C0q10 for putting more oxygen in the blood. Glycerine for carrying water to the blood just for starters. It was in October 2012 when the LORD first gave me "Glycerine".

Glycerine is in Coconut Oil and Coconut Milk, although you can buy glycerine as a Linctus for babies over one year. I've also bought clear glycerine.

The immune system also likes coconut milk very much. Pearl Barley and Palm Oil have glycerin and toctrienols that are also a great help to "cancer patients". There are many blogposts on this blog on nutrition.

Zinc is an important mineral that helps the body to function, and most people on the planet are deficient in Zinc. An extract of Elderberry is also great for defence of the body, I began posting about Elderberry on this blog in 2019. Of course make sure you've got your Vit D3 on too. 

Wear leather gloves if you go out, aprons indoors, and goggles, try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Keep your hands as clean as you can. I also bought Surgical Spirit for a spray on my hands in my home and I've put lavender oil in the spray. Last week Boots were completely out of Surgical Spirit in England, I couldn't even order any from HQ.

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