
Monday 9 March 2020


I had a dream of orthodox Christians in the UK, in the dream I seemed to recognise them, they looked on 'disapprovingly' because I held the Sacred Path in my hands. In the dream I wasn't bothered by the orthodox Christians I continued because I knew I had followed Jesus all of the way home.

Today is the 9th of March, it is the first day of the Jewish holiday of Purim. It is also the full Super moon in Virgo and I  have Virgo in my 9th house.

In the bible it mentions the feathers and how the LORD would cover us in feathers. Psalm 91:4

"He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart". 

You don't hear orthodox Christians talking about the new revelation that King David was given.

King David was told that three different instruments would come, the first instrument was loving kindness, the second was the harp of faithfulness and the third was the Lyre.

David was very happy as he was told the prophecy about the first person delivered by Moses about the family of Joseph would actually come second rather than first.

That pleased King David because he knew the prophecies and that a person that had been promised was coming from an Island. So when King David was told that someone else was coming prior to that and that they would be born on Jesses land in Israel he was overjoyed.

I believe that the person that came first was Jesus, Israeli's refer to him has Yeshua. He is the instrument of Loving Kindness. So then Christians might like to ask themselves who is the Harp of Faithfulness? Who was faithful to the Sacred Path that Jesus chose?

Scripture told you that a woman was coming, mentioned in Micah 4 and Rev 12. In Rev 13 it says this calls for wisdom with insight, the wondrous woman from heaven pre-destined to give glory to his teachings.

Interesting that there are feathers in this most recent painting. I can see the feathers on the head.

Jesus does love me to spread the paint, he's had me painting since 2012.

The Great Mystery that orthodox Christians cannot comprehend, they did not comprehend the teachings of Isaiah that Jesus embraced. They did not comprehend the power of Spiritual Psychology and the impact it can have on the physical being. Isaiah implemented it, Jesus implemented it.

Wisdom was taught divinely how to implement it so of course I had to implement it with my own body too, I had to liberate the love from the physical pain it was experiencing. It was a huge success on the rite of passage.

When Melchizedek shared with me that I was a Spiritual Psychologist it was when I had integrated everything that he had asked me to integrate. The same when he spoke of being the Aramatheopist.

Titles mean nothing to yours truly, they just describe the action. What mattered to yours truly was that I stayed faithful to the Sacred Path that can save lives.

"How pain can turn to gain and that anything can be changed.  The Sacred Path of Beauty is experiencing the mystery of life without having to control the outcome from a tunnel-vision command post. Go with the flow and watch the glory of limitless co-creation. After all, Great Mystery is the Divine Plan and everything is on schedule". 

Whether orthodox Christians like it or not, the Great Work continues beauty is in the eye of the beholder and Jesus chose the Sacred Path.

In dream interpretation to dream of Christians can signify hard work for little reward. However, we were sent to be helpers in the same way that Joseph, Ester and Jesus were sent to help the people.

Interesting that Ester was an orphan, and I spoke of being an orphan after my parents passed over. It was only after my parents passed over that I was sent on the first mission to Israel in 2006 and that aligned with the prophecy delivered by Ezekiel. The Israeli's had been waiting for my arrival.

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