
Monday 2 March 2020


Cameron shares with us about this week March 2nd - 9th March. Venus enters Taurus and Mercury goes into Aquarius station direct. Cameron asks us to look at where we have Taurus in our birth charts, mine is in the 4th & 5th houses.

The 4th House is about Home and Family, personality traits and characteristics, being realistic is one of those characteristics. It is written that you cannot underestimate the power of this house on who you became due to our roots and our ancestors and where we grew up. So for instance I grew up in London and my Christian parents were hard working English patriots. I was baptised and married in Church.

Work ethic was incredibly important in the family environment, work to pay for that which you would like to have. My parents were savers, always had something put by for an emergency or a holiday, when they could afford to so so. It is the house of practicality and also enjoying life and doing what you enjoy. Only doing what you love to do.

When Taurus is in the 4th house it is the natural position of care and physical devotion along with a disciplined upbringing. It indicates a reasonably balanced, good and healthy childhood compared with what some others have had to live through.

With Taurus being in the 5th house it is about pleasure, it is sensual and love is very romantic, meaning the person enjoys romantic evenings and journeys. We also enjoy listening to other people's romantic experiences and stories. As such, I was destined to help other people with their relationships.

With Venus being in Taurus it can indicate some romantic invitations at this time. Parents that have this placing inspire their children creatively, always coming up with fresh ideas to entertain the children and to encourage the children to do better. Sometimes that is to help the children to understand themselves by nurturing their natural talents.

If we stop enjoying a hobby, running a business or even a relationship then it can come to a sudden halt. That can surprise people if and when that happens because when we do something we put our hearts and souls into it. So for instance horses were my passion until I started dating.

I didn't stop enjoying riding, I just had someone in my life that had a lot more of my attention. If and when I cut from a job or a business then it was because I stopped enjoying it and moved on to a better position.

If I cut from a relationship then it was usually because there was no future in it, or my high standards were not being met, as such, it was about compatibility. The same could happen in friendships. There has to be joy in everything that we are engaged in.

Another example, after I joined UKIP, the NEC continually stood against Gerard Batten, I gave UKIP another chance, we elected Richard Braine. The NEC then stood against Richard Braine, Lord Pearson resigned and court proceedings was activated by the NEC against UKIP members.

Due to the behaviour of the NEC members I chose to bring a halt to my UKIP membership in December 2019. It is about boundaries and respect for the will of the people.

So that is where I have Taurus in my chart, you might like to look at where you have Taurus in your chart to help you to understand the prevailing energies, has Venus will be in Taurus until the 3rd of April.

Mercury going into Aquarius is comfortable for yours truly due to the life experience in communications professionally. Sometimes we can be too realistic for some people with our spirituality and other communications. I tend to write as I speak, a Londoner.

What others think of you doesn't matter, carry on, being you, being real, sharing facts and case histories, be precise, be succinct. It is the story and life experience of our patriot lives that are important to our country, culture and living it.

Being realistic, be sure that you have your check list of essentials and know what is essential for you in this timeline and for the next week. So for instance next week I have to have some therapeutic massage for my upper back and neck.

Reiki healing is also brilliant for the Vagus Nerve, some meditation would be helpful too. At my time of life my physical being has to come first, it has to be my priority. So it is easy for me to cut from pleasure activity for health activity although health activity can be pleasurable to receive.

Message for 2020 "Don't put your life on hold. Time to make the right moves, justice is coming".

As far as the Coronavirus is concerned, American Pathologists have said that the numbers of recoveries from it are not being reported. So "No to panic, be pro-active, be realistic".

Message received on Sunday, "Kim Uriah".

Cameron provides a broad look at this week, but to look into it more deeply you have to know what houses in your own birth chart this touches; to have a more pin pointed actionable checklist for the week.

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