
Sunday 9 February 2020


I'm smelling Geranium healing oil today, I first began working with Geranium with a student in 2012 due to a serious health issue that she was experiencing. The life of the woman was extended due to a combination of intense healing work with Reiki practitioners, healing oils, and a complete change to her nutrition. Do you experience clairscentency also known as clairsalience?

Geranium is a wonderful oil, it helps the brain to assimilate nutrients and it is incredibly relaxing when mixed with lavender. A great combo for smelling while bathing, relaxing, and prior to rest and sleep.

The guy in the video below on geranium calls it the "Oil of Balance", whereas I call it the "Oil of Assimilation".

He also relates geranium to a legend about Muhammad, Muhammad, had nothing to do with the coming of geranium, so why are aromatherapists in the LGBT community promoting Muhammad when gay people are hung in Islamic countries? Muhammad was not a hands on healer that worked with healing flowers and oils, Muhammad was known for his military pursuits and the people that he and his men murdered. The Greeks never did get back the children that the Turks took from Greece during WW2. So tell the children the truth!


I once visited Paros, one of the Greek Islands that I visited while Island hopping in 1979.

Isn't it a botanical fact that the geranium came from the region of the Mediterranean and not the desert of the middle east? Even the origins of the name of the plant is Greek, "geranos".

Interesting that he mentions that this healing oil is great for Libra, has we know Libra loves to have harmonious balance in their lives. Last week I put Geranium oil on a neighbours head when he had a headache, he's a young Libra.  I grow geraniums and lavender due to loving the fragrance being around me.

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