
Monday 24 February 2020


It is Shrove Tuesday tomorrow, otherwise known as "Pancake Day", so this is just a reminder, as children love pancake day. My son and I always enjoyed pancake day together, cooking together, lovely joyful memories to keep. As Jesus said, "Children are the supreme joy of human life".

"The expression Shrove Tuesday comes from the word Shrive meaning absolve". People usually have something sweet in their pancakes on pancake day. So for instance we always liked the traditional English lemon and golden syrup. The day after is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and that is a great time to stop having anything sugary in your diet and begin Keto again.

Interesting that today wisdom received a telephone call asking the question, "should I or shouldn't I go to a funeral?". My usual response to "should I, shouldn't I" questions is that if you have to ask me then my response is no.

However, situations like family funerals are different for obvious reasons. Wisdom's response is that you have to follow your heart, whatever you decide to do you have to have your heart fully in it. You cannot afford to give the universe mixed messages because "energy follows thought", you must have clarity prior to making any major decision that can impact upon your life and the lives of others.

How would Spirit view it if you went somewhere just for the sake of it and because it is expected of you to do so? Life is transient and if the parent didn't' visit you in life, why should you visit them once they've passed over unless your soul and it's intuition feels strongly that there is an important reason to go. It is to your conscience and heart of conscience that you must be clear upon for those that were compassionate receive compassionate action, those that were merciful, receive mercy in life.

If attending a burial wasn't important to Jesus the healer why would it be in important to you the healer?  Life is for the living. In the eyes of Jesus he could be healing someone instead of going to a ceremony for the end of life. Remember what Jesus said to the rich man, and dogs are more compassionate than the rich.

Hence, he was criticised for healing on the sabbath. To Jesus what greater day was there for healing than a day dedicated to the heavenly Father? For the power of healing is his for miracles to happen and Jesus is an instrument for the healing to happen. In the power of his loving kindness and love beyond measure.

"I will rejoice in doing them good and assuredly plant them in this land with all my heart and soul" Jeremiah 14:22 

Sometimes just discussing the situation such as this can help people to clarify their thoughts on why should they go and what would be their reasoning for it.  They can then make their own minds up on what is appropriate for the individual case because every single case is different due to the history of the family. It is always great to have what we call a sounding board and buddies that have helped each other in the past often refer to each other when making an important choice in life.

Also if you decided to go who would you see and what would you wear? When I went to my mother's funeral I chose to wear white and blue, a white dress and blue dress coat that my mother had blessed me with.

An unusual choice I know, but it felt absolutely right to wear it. As I knew that my Christian Pisces mother was pleased to finally pass over and as such it was a celebration of her life and what she had given her only daughter during her life as far as I was concerned. What she gave, she had given in love and that love was honoured. As above, so below.

What others thought of me didn't matter to me, what mattered to me was that mum was looking, mum was seeing, mum was hearing, that mum was pleased with my appearance. As she always cared about her appearance and ours. I held my head high and smiled as she taught her eldest to do at funerals.

She was a great believer in life after death so her passing was welcomed by her when the time came that she chose. I have attended funerals when I have been invited to do so, my reasoning in attending local funerals have been thus: 1. To support the family in their bereavement and 2. To give a friend a good send-off. I did not attend for myself, I attended for others to show that I care fully.

There has to be love in your heart for the choices that you make in life, whatever you do in life, do it fully with love, do it all for love. "Those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness" Proverbs 14:22

In the same way when my son and I cooked pancakes together we cooked with joy, happiness and love in our hearts. When you cook together like that it stays with a child throughout their lives. My mother and I cooked together too, I used to love standing by her side watching her cook.

Teach the children young about cooking and they will always remember it. The body remembers the happy times in your life, the body is intuitive and holds memories of what you were eating and how happy you were when you ate it.

It can be incredibly significant for the body how you feel when you eat what you eat, the body remembers the food and drink that you put into it and responds accordingly. The cells of your body hold memories, the tissues in your body holds memories, the water in your body holds memories.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart". Jeremiah 29:11-13.

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