
Saturday 1 February 2020


Skin is sensitive and nutrition is essential for all skin internally and externally, in this video Dr Eric Berg shares the importance of the nutrition for your skin and your overall health.

Of course make-up and cosmetics doesn't help the skin either, especially if you have sensitive skin. I stopped using soap on my face when I was a teenager and only moisturised my skin. I've always had sensitive skin throughout my whole life.

What Dr Eric Berg doesn't tell you is that Reiki Healing oxygenates the cells. So doing a Reiki healing training course is worth more than all of your skin creams. Once you've done a Reiki 1 training course you have the power of healing in your hands to use daily, its like having a first aid box metaphorically speaking. 

I have skin allergies and have had since a young girl, so I have to be very careful what I put on to my skin and what I consume. So for instance if I have too much bread with yeast in it, my eye lids will swell so I have to limit the bread intake. 

I also find now that I can't wear make-up that I used to wear, although I don't wear it often these days. I'm currently trying Clinique on my eyes but even that I can't wear often. I've never worn foundation creams on my face, I decided that I didn't wish to clog the pores of my skin with foundation make-up. 

So just a tinted moisturiser or a plain moisturiser was all I ever used on my neck and face. Make-up artists tell me that I have great skin for my age. I've certainly looked after it during my life. Rose water is also lovely on the skin, I like that and you can also use it in cooking. 

The eye cream that I use is from Sun Essences in Norfolk, it has lavender oil in it and I find that very soothing for my eyes, it has flower essences in the cream too. 

I have used coconut oil sometimes and in the summer months when in the sun I use either coconut oil or olive oil. My olive skin likes and flourishes in the sunshine, it is appropriate for my skin type. 

In Tibetan medicine sesame oil is recommended for skin issues, sesame and sandalwood and sesame is great nutritionally too. I like sesame seeds and humous. The great thing about seeds is that they metabolise fast. 

My skin tends to suffer the most this time of the year due to the central heating, (although I don't have the heating on overnight or in my bedroom) so I really should put a winter skin programme together and focus on that during the winter time. Of course my physical body would be a lot happier if I spent the winter in a sunny place. 

My mother used to spend her winters abroad for her health, she also found it cheaper to live abroad than in the UK due to the winter bills. Although prices in European countries have soared since the introduction of the Euro. 


In October 2019, I kept on being given the fragrance of Lemon Grass and that has multiple uses including helping people to fight cancer. Israeli oncologists have been sending their patients to the Lemon Grass farmer. It is also a food that can help the skin, so I've decided to start growing Lemon Grass in 2020, although I also have it in an aromatherapy oil. 

Watercress is great for oxygenating the cells too. Make sure that you have plenty of collagen boosting foods and I also have a C0q10 supplement to take. After the age of 30-35 the ageing process of the body begins so it is then that what your body produced naturally begins to decrease. 

Be intuitive with your bodies and never take your bodies for granted.

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