
Tuesday 4 February 2020


Rand Paul outs the alleged whistleblower on the Senate Floor and he sums up the impeachment process started by the American Liberal Democrats. When the case was in the house, the Liberal Democrat house refused Rand's questions of the house. So he shares his original question on the senate floor.

He says that in January 2017, the Liberal Democrats were already plotting the impeachment of the President of America.

Rand Paul a man of truth and the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those are sleeping. An eleven minute speech from Rand Paul, Rand Paul is worth listening too.

Always remember that the name "Donald" is the same as "Healer" in gematria.

Rand Paul says "we cannot have secret courts trying to reverse the outcome of an election". Rand says that the system has to be reformed so that this never ever happens again.

Just think of the millions that this has cost the American tax payer. I think that the Liberal Democrats that plotted against the American President should be tried for treason. In fact, we know that Obama and his supporters were plotting against Donald John Trump as soon as he announced his run for President.

In scripture, in the book of Revelation, it does not bode well for Obama and his supporters. Remember what scripture said, this calls for wisdom with insight. Indeed, wisdom more precious than rubies was indeed called and I am back in the saddle.

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