
Monday 10 February 2020


10th - 17th of February, 2020. Mars enters Capricorn. The moon in Libra this week squaring Saturn and Pluto. Venus is in Aries, Chiron is also in Aries, the Sun is in Aquarius the water bearer. 

No coincidence then that I will be doing watery things this week, swimming, sauna, steam room etc. 

It's my birthday this week on the 13th, new cycle of time for yours truly. I am an Aquarian III and I was born in the Aquarian week of acceptance. This is a week of relaxing, some me time.  On Sunday, I was given the smell of Geranium, it's a great week for geranium and lavender healing oils. 

Interesting that there are geranium and lavender colours in some of the most recent paintings. Lovely colours for this week and Amethyst is my birthstone, the semi-precious stone of the healer. 

Cameron says that the moon enters Scorpio on the 14th, Valentines Day, so a passionate time for relationships and discussions thereof. The next new moon will be in Pisces, a joyful flowing with life, a week for pursuing life and living it. 

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