
Wednesday 19 February 2020


This week I've received a recurring dream of seeing and brushing away cobwebs, twice I have seen the cobwebs. Dreaming of cobwebs can have different meanings, in as much as if the cobwebs were in a place that you would anticipate them to be e.g a wine cellar or attic etc then the meaning can be lucky.

If you know that the cobwebs were in a place where they shouldn't be then it can indicate some difficulties to overcome. In dream interpretation sometimes that can be difficulties that have been or is "secretly hostile competition towards you and your life".

Hence, it means that there has to be a clearing in your home life so that your life can be more balanced and harmonious. In the first dream I was sweeping away the cobwebs on my own, in the second dream of the cobwebs there were other people with me and we were doing it together.

It can also remind you to be conscious and fully aware of the intentions of who you allow into your home and focus on improving your reality. Remember that our homes are our private space and it is a great time for a Spring clean and a lick of paint. So make sure that the people that you allow into your home have come to help, otherwise why even consider letting them in?

In the history of painting in Europe we also find "Cobweb Paintings" and it is written that there is one of the Virgin Mary in Chester Cathedral.

Prophet Isaiah was against the cobwebs due to them not making anything that a person could wear. Hence cobwebs don't make anything practical that is of use to a person was the way that the prophet viewed it. So make sure what you make, what you manufacture, what you produce is required by the people. Otherwise what use is it to anyone? This is a timeline for priorities that are important to people in helping the people.

I once spread the lavender paint in a house, and once upon a time my healing room was also lavender. It was originally painted lavender for my mother when she came to stay, the guest room was prepared especially for her in advance. Remember Jesus said, "I will prepare a room for you".

"Prepare a guest room for me, as I hope to be restored to you as an answer to your prayers". Philemon 1:22. Was a guest room prepared for you? Every home should be big enough for a guest room, guest rooms are biblical.

My healing room is now the silver cloud room and the walls are white. It is where my inversion table is and where the new seeds grow this time of the year. Time to prepare the room for new life of the new seeds to flourish for 2020. Hence my spare room has different uses, for multi-tasking.

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