
Friday 28 February 2020


What ails thee, did the LORD protect the south American pope? Did the LORD warn him in advance? Did the pope think he is stronger than the virus that now has 400 cases in Italy? 

When in fact the elderly are most vulnerable to the flu and the coronavirus. What was the pope trying to prove by mixing with people who have the virus, did he think his position as head of the Catholic church would protect him? 

During 2019, I was hoping to get some winter sun this winter and in dream state I was told that I couldn't have a Jewish Christmas in Israel. I was not being allowed to travel this wintertime. I shared that dream on this blog. Israel also have cases of coronavirus too. News today is that they have two cases of it. 

In January 2020 Yahweh said, "This is my daughter in whom I am well pleased". 

So have you done any prepping for the wintertime to protect yourselves and your children? 

We've been discussing the message from the LORD received in October 2012, as when I woke up that Sunday morning he spoke of "Glycerin". At the time I didn't have any colds or flu, so after I did my research on it I viewed the glycerol as a self-protection mechanism for the body. Preparing yours truly for the wintertime. 

The original blog post can be found on this link. "Glycerin is it a miracle worker?" 

You can get glycerin in the UK at Boots, as they developed and manufacture their own brands and they do a range of six different products including a linctus with lemon and honey or a black currant one for babies over a year old.  Pregnant and breastfeeding mums can also take glycerin as long as you are not allergic to glycerol. It isn't advised for diabetes patients so it is worth asking your doctor about it, although my GP had heard of it when I asked him. 

Scientific studies have been carried out with Glycerol with skin conditions and found to show signs of success. So you can take a look at some scientific studies on line. 

In more recent blog posts from 2013 on this blog I have also recommended coconut oil, unrefined palm oil and the LORD asked for "Barley" e.g Pearl Barley, although Pearl Barley is not gluten-free. 

Coconut oil, Palm oil and Pearl Barley share the same compound that comes from the Vitamin E family. Ideal for lining the internals to defend the body from any intrusions. 

I also recommend that you up your spices, especially garlic and ginger. In my youth if I ever got a cold I would have hot curries and sweat it out. Although these days I eat on average 2-4 cloves of garlic each day and it is rare for me to ever get any sniffles. 

Although I do recommend that people purchase some large white cotton hankies and place healing oils on those hankies if you are going to any congested or crowded places. Cover your mouth and nose with your hankie with healing oils on it, if you have to go on a bus, train or tube. The healing oils that I recommend are Tea Tree Oil or Eucalyptus.  Eucalyptus is from the myrtle family. 

Last night I had homemade chicken liver pate on a couple of slices of buttered toast. Keeping my iron up. Then I had a homemade chicken curry with homemade mango chutney. I've also been eating blueberries this week. 

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