
Saturday 8 February 2020


I was asleep and began dreaming of dancing with Bing Crosby, he looked straight into my eyes while dancing and he said, "I've made a decision" and then we carried on dancing and he was really happy that he had made his mind up. It was clearly an important choice that he had made.

I woke up due to the dream ending, dreams keep on waking me up recently. So I then get up to stretch my back and that is better for my back to give it a stretch during the night.

Bing could definitely dance better than me, he didn't mind though, we had a great time and he was very romantic.

To dream of dancing indicates new friends and joyful social times ahead, great success in your love life. If you were dancing yourself all your enterprises will flourish. In dream interpretation to dream of someone famous means to keep trying, because you will get help from an unexpected source. I woke up just before 1.00am.

Bing Crosby was born on October 14, he was a Libra.

Venus rules Libra and Venus moved into the passionate fire sign of Aries the Ram during the evening of the 7th of February, Chiron is also in Aries.

Have a happy full moon in Leo on the 8/9th of February, 2020.

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