
Thursday 20 February 2020


A different view of the New Moon in Pisces from the lovely Donna Paige. Donna Paige shares that this New Moon on the 23rd of February is with Fomalhaut the fixed star protection of Archangel Raphael. Archangel Raphael, the archangel of healing. If you have true compassion for others you can find the solutions when you are divinely guided with the process.

That is where some of the growth can come from divinely. Donna speaks of the ability to expand time, I view it in terms of extending time, extending the lives of people by providing the solutions for people to embrace. Cultivating, what are you cultivating in your life, are you cultivating your life and the lives of others so that they can be more pro-active and responsive? What choices will you make this new moon that brings in new beginnings and new opportunities.

So for instance I am researching the possibility of a new agricultural project that could utilise my business experience and my healing talents and abilities. A unique project that could help many people with their health conditions. What can be harvested all year round, what protection would it require, all aspects of a project has to be examined.

What are the risks, what are the opportunities, how many staff would be required? What would the running costs be and how work intensive would it be. Should I pass on the business plan to someone else or should I implement it myself, these are all aspects that have to be thought through and investigated thoroughly. I'm in a three year so it is business head on for wisdom, although I was also born in the year of the horse so it is a gentle trot this year and a gentle canter sometimes, no galloping.

If and when a project is meant to be you can take your time, although always listen to your intuition and divine guidance received. Would it make your life easier and more comfortable for you or would it put too much pressure on you at this phase of your life. Exactly, what would you like to accomplish now to help others with their healing? Health is my priority, what is your priority in life?

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